<p>Which is better?</p>

<p>Depends on your major, your needs in a campus, your personality.
UC Davis is an Aggie college town. 40K bikes on campus!!! and in town. Major includes agriculture, and vintner courses. </p>

<p>UCI-commuter campus, not easily accessed on bike. Large sloped campus. Varied majors.</p>

<p>I’ve already answered you on another thread so I won’t elaborate. They are both mid-tier UC’s so academically, there’s not that much difference. Don’t know where the above poster is getting their info though. Sure, UCI is a commuter school but it’s easily bike accessible. There are people riding bikes all the time and they even conveniently mark lanes for bikes within and around the campus. What’s even more bizarre is that description of UCI as a large sloped campus. What?</p>

<p>Thanks, but according to things to do around campus and social life which school is better and which is better for becoming a pharmacist?</p>