UC Davis Waitlist 2025

Same feeling here, it makes planning very hard. They should just build makeshift classrooms/dorms and take all waitlisted kids in! :slightly_smiling_face:

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They might need to add some makeshift profs to keep the student-faculty ratio down.

That sounds harder
 never heard of makeshift souls! :sweat_smile:

They better figure it out soon- tuition is due for many other universities July 1. Will pay for my daughter to attend SDSU if we don’t hear soon. She made UCR- but was not the best alternative for her. Also waiting on UCSC. I heard many universities are taking large numbers of deferred accepted students not wanting to attend 2020 due to the pandemic- leaving little spots open for waitlist people.

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That describes my son’s situation almost exactly, though he has opted for UCR and is well into pre-orientation. I would honestly be shocked to hear about an opening at UCSC or Davis at this point.

If D is the number of “deferred accepted students” from last year, they should consider qualifying that number from this year’s waitlist for Fall 2022 “deferred accepted students”.

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I know UCSC actually took the majority of waitlisted students off the waitlist. I think there was some statistic saying for this year they took like 83% of applicants off the waitlist (some other college confidential post). I also heard back from UCSC for CS and they’ve gone through about 3 waitlist waves. But for UCSD and UCD it’s very funky and I have no idea if they’re going to meet their June 30th deadlines.

Do you have a link? I think something like that may have been true for 2020, not sure about this year. I have seen discussion about three waves so far.

@BrianStorm: Sounds like you are referring to last year’s waitlist admits which was around 85%. Waitlist stats are not yet available for any of the UC’s since they have not closed their Waitlists for this year.

I found the 2020 Waitlist numbers for UCSC: Edited since the original numbers were from the UC Conference and since have changed based on the CDS:
Number of applicants offered waitlist: 16484
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 10370
Number admitted: 8870

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Let’s keep our high hopes for today !! Pray for at least a small wave from ucd

someone on reddit said that they called the admissions office and they’ve been releasing them since mid may? But like idk anyone on here or reddit that has gotten in yet

Before anyone freaks out, I don’t think they have because I personally called admissions as well early June and they told me 1-2 weeks and if not then after June 30
 and that seems to also be the case for many others who have called as well so I don’t think thats possible. Not to mention that no one has said anything about acceptance from the ucd waitlist on any social platform


I just checked my UCD portal and there seems to have been a status update. There’s no more information about waitlist or having been specifically rejected from the waitlist, but just general information as to why I wasn’t admitted. Glad at least I don’t have to wait any longer.

I also received a rejection update on my Davis portal. Unfortunate

just got a rejection email T-T feels bad, placing all my faith in the other 2 i got waitlisted to

Also just got my rejected email. Feels bad :frowning:

Do you guys think that we are all being let go of today?

Got rejected too

I also got my rejection letter today. But I won’t give up and hopefully I’ll get in as a transfer student! Congrats to all the people that got in and to those who didn’t I know you’ll be great at whatever school you go to and hopefully I’ll see you around if you’re applying as a transfer.

UC David sending out rejections to all waitlisted. Nobody off waitlist.