If i did not get the letter at the end of junior year for ELC, does that mean I cannot be eligible for UC? I ask this because when they send the letters out in junior year, final grades are not even up yet, and UC’s say they look at all junior year grades. Someone please explain.

There are 2 ways to be ELC eligible: Local through your HS or Statewide.

Older son was ELC eligible through Local (HS) but did not receive a letter. When he submitted his UC application, it did state that he was ELC eligible for the application.
Younger son was ELC eligible Statewide and did not receive a letter. Also it was not noted when he submitted his UC application but he did check his eligibility on the UC website.

ELC only guarantees that if you are not accepted into your choice UC, that you will be accepted in the default campus (UC Merced) if there is room. Not having ELC does not make you ineligible to apply to a UC, it just means you are not in the top 9% of your HS class or state.

Here is the link to calculate your ELC eligibility Statewide: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/california-residents/admissions-index/index.html

You need to know your UC GPA for the calculation: http://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

@i2400ezpz does your school rank? People at my school received emails saying that they qualified for ELC in the middle of March, so after first semester. They were all in the top 10% of my class.

While ELC should highly correlate to class rank being in the top 9%, it can differ if your UC-weighted GPA compared to the recent previous classes at your high school ranks differently from your class rank. For example, if you had a poor 9th grade record, that can pull down your class rank, but not your UC-weighted GPA, so you may still be ELC even if your fall below the top 9% in class rank.

I fell under ELC and never received any kind of letter. I just got a notification that I qualified after I filed my application. I can’t think of anyone at my school at least who got any kind of letter, or any notification until they submitted their application. Granted, this was a few years ago and it’s probably changed since then.

At my high school, they sent out letters at the end of Junior year notifying students who were in the top 15% of the class saying we would potentially qualify in the top 9% for the UC (Eligibility in the Local Context). When I submitted my UC application, it stated that I was not in the top 9% ELC.

Apparently if you achieve ELC then they add that information to your application. Because I was in the top 6% of my high school, I assume that they must use the UC weighted gpa rather than the school’s weighted gpa to make the determination. I was in the top 9% in the statewide path though. What I learned after the fact is if you want a high UC gpa, then you need to limit the number of courses taken 10th and 11th grade. I took way too many courses which diluted my UC gpa.