UC eligibility? Please help

Hello, I’m wondering if I qualify for UC in-state admissions. I’ve lived in California since before freshman year of high school, and my family has had a green card since my freshman year, but the problem is that I only live with my mom (who does not work) and my dad lives abroad. He filed last year’s income report this spring, but since his income is below $100k, he did not have to pay taxes to the U.S.

However, he didn’t file his taxes to the CA government, which concerns me bc I doubt California has the same rule, and I don’t know if I’m eligible for in-state admissions if my parents only filed their income to the federal government. :frowning: I’ve heard that UCs don’t offer any FA or scholarships to out of state students, which I desperately need since my family is in a tough spot right now. Will I be able to appeal to the FA office? Thank you!

EDIT: My mom has a CA driver’s license if that helps my case


@ucbalumnus I think 1, 2, and 4 applies to me, but not 3. What should I do?

My mom has a CA driver license if that helps.

Read the entire http://www.ucop.edu/general-counsel/_files/ed-affairs/uc-residence-policy.pdf and see how where you and your parents live fit into it.

Do you currently reside in California?
If you don’t reside in California, and your father doesn’t pay California taxes, then I doubt you can claim residency.

Your Green card doesn’t have anything to do with California residency; it has to do with your ability to stay and work in the US.
There is no financial aid for non-residents.

@“aunt bea” Yes, I reside in California, but my dad does not pay California taxes. What does it mean?

You didn’t attend high school in California and didn’t receive a diploma from a California HS?

Are you self supporting?

Do you live with your mother in California?
Are you enrolled in a CCC?

If you are living in California and are not self-supporting and haven’t paid California taxes you may have a problem. The UCs will have to determine when your residency determination start date begins/began.

I am attending high school in California right now and I live with my mom.

If you are now a California resident and you attend high school in California you are considered a California resident if you are under 18 and live with your parent in California.
So you would qualify to attend the UC’s as a California resident.
I don’t understand why you didn’t just say so.

Ask your high school guidance counselor to help you.

If my parents didn’t pay taxes to CA, will I still qualify?

? His worry is that his father doesn’t pay due state income taxes. Is dad claiming a foreign earned income credit? ANd California doesn’t recognize that. But in reality if dad is absent, has no return documentation and isn’t doing taxes his GC status would be in jeopardy. Does that impact the GC status of his minor dependant?

from an admissions perspective, you should be fine. From a financial aid perspective, i don’t know.


Have you applied for FA? Filled in the FAFSA? Do you have adequate documentation to get that far? ONly you can really assess that. What you should do though is work out how far out you are from qualifying for citizenship and do that independent of your parents. If your dad has no return paperwork and even you say he lives abroad, it is more than possible he will be confronted with challenges to re entry. A GC is not a travel document. Avoiding US tax returns will enhance the re entry issue. You should make sure now you are close to adulthood that your position is secure.

@Sybylla Pretty sure he has return paperwork, but he has a foreign earned income credit.