UC explanation for drop classes/c or lower grades

<p>ok so i have to write an email to the uc schools because i got a D in pre-calculus and a D+ in AP Stats. I also dropped AP Stats for second semester of my senior year. Its like 12:30 a.m. so sorry if my writing is sloppy, im tired lol…so hopefully you guys can help me trim it down and make it more convincing. everything i said in this explanation is true.</p>

<p>Dear UC,</p>

<p>I am reporting to you because during my first semester of my senior year, I have gotten a D+ in AP Stats and a D in pre-calculus. I also dropped second semester of AP Stats because my counselor had told me to. I have already finished second semester of pre-calculus during my junior year and finished all my a-g classes last year. The reason I got these poor grades was due to my grandmother being sick in Taiwan. My grandmother had the same symptoms that my grandfather had before he passed away a few years ago, bloated stomach, loss of appetite, and energy loss. At the moment, she is feeling better after being in the hospital, however, at times she still has difficulties of talking and eating. It made my mother very worried because she is very close to my grandmother and has to pay the hospital bills. My mother is very depressed at the moment because she did not have a job for a few years and money is very hard to earn right now. This had me made me worry about my mother, my grandmother, and the huge hospital bill. After I heard my grandmother was sick, it made me unfocused during school. AP Stats and Pre-calculus were my hardest classes and I didn’t focus in trying to get a good grade. In the back of my mind was how will my mother pay for the hospital bill? I even thought about joining the Marines after high school to help my mom get some money. However, I thought to myself that my mother wouldn’t want me to join the military and would rather me finish college. Therefore, she wouldn’t have to worry about her son being killed or injured. I plan to retake these 2 classes during my summer at a local college or retake at whichever UC I get admitted too. I understand now that I must focus on my education and always do my best. </p>

<p>Sorry if its so long but hopefully you guys can help me trim it down and make it better. Thank you!</p>

<p>This letter, or should I say essay, is all over the place. You need to focus on what needs to be said and leave out everything else. Also, don’t give them one giant paragraph… cut it down so that each paragraph is focused and to the point.</p>

<p>Here is a 5 minute revision I put together before heading to bed:</p>

<p>During the first semester of my senior year, I received a D+ in AP Stats and a D in pre-calculus. I also dropped the second semester of AP Stats because my counselor instructed me to do so. I have already finished the second semester of pre-calculus with a grade of ___ during my junior year and finished all my a-g classes. </p>

<p>The reason I got these poor grades is because my grandmother was recently sick in Taiwan.This made my mother worried because she is very close to my grandmother and has to pay the hospital bills. My mother is very depressed at the moment because she did not have a job for a few years and money is very hard to earn right now. This made me worry about my mother, my grandmother, and the huge hospital bill. I even considered joining the Marines after high school to help my mom get some money. </p>

<p>After I heard my grandmother was sick, I lost focus on my schoolwork. AP Stats and Pre-calculus were my hardest classes and I did not put the effort in to earn the grades I was capable of earning. </p>

<p>I plan to retake these 2 classes during the summer at a local college. I am now able to focus on my education and will try my best in college.</p>

<p>You should take out “or retake at whichever UC I get admitted too” and say that you WILL take it at your local community college during the summer.
What was your weighted/unweighted GPA last semester and what classes are you taking now without ap stats and precalc? Maybe you can mention some positive points.</p>

<p>Uh…while I personally feel very bad about your grandmother…UC’s may think you’re just making up an excuse for your 2 D’s there…uh instead of telling that really elaborate story why don’t you…maybe explain what went wrong in the classes or what caused you to maybe get 2 D’s (not just, oh it was grandma’s sickness…but like how it affected you to the point of getting a D)? You are kinda blaming the whole situation on everyone but yourself. “…dropped APStats cause counselor said so…poor grades cause grandma was sick…mom was depressed and gave me stress…stress thinking about the military…ect”…
I’m not judging you though…I’m sure all of these things affected you…but you earned the grades you did in the end so you are at least a little responsible can we say? Sorry about your grandma though…</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback everyone but can someone start me off if i was to write it again?</p>

<p>Goodness gracious D:. 2 D’s >:O those teacher better have been meanies. Sigh I was in the similar situation as you, though I only got my first and only C, on AP Stats 1st semester, <em>not right</em>. <em>pats don’t worry dont give up hope</em>. I do hope your grandmother recovered D: and I understand how it feels to see a love one get sick. Mine didn’t make it in the end :(, and this happened during my 1st semester junior year, although I redeemed myself 2nd semester. Remember UC admission officer are people too, and they will understand <em>hopefully</em>, although to be honest, 2 D’s might still overweight their forgiveness</p>

<p>Just curious, how come you’re writing this kind of late. Almost every school ended 1st semester end of january :(.</p>

<p><em>BACK ON TOPIC</em>
I think you should write something similar to what Cali Trumpet wrote for the lil intro :). Don’t make it very long, cuz long explanations are very annoying to read <.< and will start sounding like you’re bsing <em>in my opinion</em>. Not very helpful feedback, but keep ur explanation sufficient and succint<em>I think they mean the same?</em></p>

<p>2nd paragraph, should be about the the reason :(. BTW don’t make a big chunky paragraph. It get’s really hard to read >:O. For the AP stats situation, I believe that you should say like you didn’t want to drop AP Stats, but your counselor made you, instead of you had to. I also recommend you saying you will still take the AP Stats exam, to show that even if you’re not in the class, you show dedication to finish the class and self-study and pass the exam >.< <em>BTW, it’s not a really hard exam, I took it last year and got a 4 :), though probably could’ve got a 5, had my mind been a little more focused on the exam</em>. You can mention the marine thing after</p>

<p>I don’t get the precalc thing. Why are you taking it, if you finished it in junior year.</p>

<p>I hope you the best of luck, and if this fails, you can appeal :D. Just for your information, if you were hoping for UCB and UCLA, they require 3.0 UW both semester if you get in and 2 D’s bring you to a 3.0 if you have 6 classes <.< so I hope the others you have all other A’s.</p>

<p>@shibykin i got a D first semester of pre-calculus and a C- second semester of my junior year. i wanted to retake it in the summer but due to budget cuts, they cut the class. so had to take it my senior year but didn’t turn out so good…
@calitrumpet thank you for helping me trim and correct my essay. i think i may go with it and just tell them. hopefully they will still let me go.
@iownchopsticks i added a office aid for ap stats but for precalculus, i finished the second semester my junior year with a C- and my weighted gpa was 2.6777777…the best schools i applied to was uci, ucd, ucsb, then ucsc, ucr, cal poly, cal long beach (rejected), cal fullerton, cal san diego</p>

<p>thank you everyone for helping me but my grandmother is back in the hospital again…
still open for some feedback and corrections.</p>

<p>i hope she recovers :). I’d recommend u try the AP STats exam, to show ur still dedicated to finish the class :).</p>

<p>During the first semester of my senior year, I received a D+ in AP Stats and a D in pre-calculus. Although I wanted to stay in second semester AP Stats, my conunselor instructed me to do drop it. I have already finished the second semester of pre-calculus with a grade of C- during my junior year and finished all my a-g classes. </p>

<p>The reason I got these poor grades is because my grandmother was recently sick in Taiwan. After I heard my grandmother was sick, I lost focus on my schoolwork. AP Stats and Pre-calculus were my hardest classes and I did not put the effort in to earn the grades I was capable of earning. </p>

<p>This made my mother worried because she is very close to my grandmother and has to pay the hospital bills. My mother is very depressed at the moment because she did not have a job for a few years and money is very hard to earn right now. This made me worry about my mother, my grandmother, and the huge hospital bill. I even considered joining the Marines after high school to help my mom get some money. </p>

<p>I understand now that if am to succed in college and in life, I’d have to focus on my education and not let personal problems effect my schoolwork. I will retake these 2 classes during the summer at a local college and taking the AP Stats exam. I am now able to focus on my education and will try my best in college. </p>

<p>How’s this guys? hopefully it’s good enough to let me stay.</p>

<p>Scottieboy, you fixed it very well. There are a few grammatical mistakes, hopefully you can catch them. Good luck to you, I hope you family troubles ease.</p>

<p>^ I agree, you fixed it very well.
Here’s one of the mistakes I caught while skimming.
“I will retake these 2 classes during the summer at a local college and taking the AP Stats exam.”</p>

<p>not “taking”
“and take the AP Stats exam to redeem myself.”</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>i believe if u pass the ap exam, u dont need to retake stats in CC o.o. Since it’s done with :), all you need to do is focus on precalc :)</p>

<p>so do you guys think the explanation is good? no more grammar problems or others? i need it to be perfect and very convincing lol.</p>

<p>quick bump</p>

<p>hey guys i got a question. my friend said that you can only report to the UC by mail or phone? you can’t email them? is this true?</p>

<p>I believe you have to write to each campus separately, through snail mail. Call the counselors and ask about email.</p>

<p>By the way, you spelled “counselor” wrong in the second sentence (“conunselor”). Also, the third paragraph seems out of place. Perhaps combine the information about your mother with the information about your grandmother. Then use the third paragraph to talk about how both your grandmother and mother’s troubles worried you and caused you to lose focus.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>It depends on each UC, so check each individual UC’s MyAdmissions for what to do. I know that when I had to report a class transcript correction, UC Davis let me write an explanation and submit it right on the website. Sorry about your situation ScottyBoy, I hope you do well!</p>

<p>During the first semester of my senior year, I received a D+ in AP Stats and a D in pre-calculus. Although I wanted to stay in second semester AP Stats, my counselor instructed me to do drop it. I have already finished the second semester of pre-calculus with a grade of C- during my junior year and finished all my a-g classes. </p>

<p>The reason I got these poor grades is because my grandmother was recently sick in Taiwan.
This made my mother worried because she is very close to my grandmother and has to pay the hospital bills. My mother is very depressed at the moment because she did not have a job for a few years and money is very hard to earn right now.</p>

<p>After I heard my grandmother was sick, I lost focus on my schoolwork. AP Stats and Pre-calculus were my hardest classes and I did not put the effort in to earn the grades I was capable of earning. This made me worry about my mother, my grandmother, and the huge hospital bill. I even considered joining the Marines after high school to help my mom get some money. </p>

<p>I understand now that if am to succed in college and in life, I’d have to focus on my education and not let personal problems effect my schoolwork. I will retake these 2 classes during the summer at a local college and taking the AP Stats exam. I am now able to focus on my education and will try my best in college. </p>

<p>i think its pretty good now. any comments or suggestions before i email ucr?</p>