UC FALL 2018 (transfer)

Hi everyone ! I am going to apply to UC this fall and I just wanted to know my chances of getting into each school ! UCLA , BERKLEY , UCSB , UCSD, UCI

MAJOR: environmental studies B.A.

IGETC: will be done by spring semester

MAJOR PRE REQS: will most likely be missing one class ( no college around me has this class) also I need to get to calculus 1 but I might also wait until I transfer to take that class at the UC . I hate math …

GPA:3.78 ( 26 units so far) I am currently taking 8 units this summer session.

TAG: I want to TAG to UCSB this semester I know I need 30 units with a 3.2 GPA hence taking 8 units this summer . I also have AP CREDITS with the score respectively for the following classes
AP environmental science: 4
AP government/politics : 3
AP microeconomics :3
AP psychology: 4
AP US History : 3
I think this is about 20 College units

Honors program will be honors certified ( i believe my cc has agreements with UC’s if we are certified )

I have two jobs work as a program leader at a park and am a Teachers assistant at an elementary school

Other than that i don’t have many EC . Might pad my application with little stuff like volunteering and stuff like that.

I was certain that to TAG this Fall the application was due last September

@tjoscal: Sounds like OP is applying for Fall 2018 so the application is not due until this September 2017.

So what is your question OP?

I’m sorry, My bad

I’m just wondering if my GPA drops to a 3.4 (worst case scenario ) what are my odds of getting into the above schools ?

Check this link for Transfer GPA by major and UC campus to gauge your chances.


Thank you !!! One more question !

Essentially all we need is the following ??? 3.2 GPA 30 UC transferable units (to apply to TAG) (Excluding AP credit ) 60 UC transferable units (by end of spring 2018) (excluding AP credit) Take the 2 English classes And the 1 math class Is this correct ? Or is there more to it ?

It’s not "excluding AP credit " now

Just changed

Confirmed it several times.

Depends on your major and where you want to transfer. UCSB has their own TAG guild and specifics for each majorw

Here is a link for the UC TAG matrix which lists all the specifics for each campus participating in TAG.


Once you know where you want to go, look up their specific tag requirements