Uc gpa calculation

How do UC’s calculate high school GPA? I’ve heard that they only use grades from sophomore and junior year grades to calculate GPA and from others, I heard that they use 10th to 12th. If they do use 12th, how would that work? For example, in my school, the first semester doesn’t end until December but the application deadline is in November. If senior year grades are included in GPA calculation, does that mean that we put in whatever grade we have so far in our first semester senior year when we submit the application?? Sorry if this is confusing, I’m just so worried!!

10-11 GPA only. For the weighted GPA AP/IB/Honors classes get the weighting for California residents. For OOS only AP/IB get the weighting.

All grades earned must be no lower than a C for all 4 years.
