UC GPA Calculations

<p>Sorry if these have been asked before.</p>

<p>I live in Texas and we have Pre-AP courses. Are Pre-AP classes considered as ‘honors’ classes, therefore allowing me to add the extra point? </p>

<p>Also, I’m unclear whether the UC system takes grades from 10-12th, or just 10-11th…</p>

<p>Since you will not have finished your senior year classes yet when you file the application, the answer is 10th and 11th only but you will list the courses underway and those planned for the remainder of your 12th year. </p>

<p>If the courses actually taken change from the plan you list on the application, you have to notify any school that accepts you, otherwise it is a violation of the conditions of admission.</p>

<p>Honors courses do not count for OOS - only AP/IB. But not to worry, bcos your app will be reviewed in context – they will understand that you have zero UC-approved honors courses bcos you are OOS. That being said, I strongly discourage folks from paying OOS fees for a UC – ain’t worth it, IMO.</p>