<p>Yes, the 2300 would put you in the race at the ivies on your list.</p>
<p>all i have to say is that you seem to be very studious to have taken all those APs....</p>
<p>Well... in for UCs... then again you're probably ELC so it doesn't really matter for Irvine because they practically guarantee acceptance. Apply to SD. </p>
<p>Reaches for all Ivy schools. Then again who isn't? Just hope that they pick you out of the pack... Have fun with your apps... :)</p>
<p>Why only 2 UCs? You should add more UCs, it's the same application.</p>
<p>i agree with PBailey. Unless u took ur first sat test without preparation, i wouldnt retake the sat too many times, just two is enough. And yea, like Schmoomcgoo said, try to sound passionate</p>
<p>bump bump bump
i was able to raise my SAT score to 2210 with an 800 in math</p>
<p>You have a good chance at all of them. Just focus on your essays and play up your passion. Add more UC schools, at least add UCLA and UCSD .</p>
<p>bump bump bump</p>
<p>Awww don't listen to the negative ones. You'll get in, especially with those EC's and all the AP's (although you definitely won't get State Scholar, you'll get National, as National is easier for some reason). Good friggin' luck, dude, you certainly deserve to get into these schools, and I'd suggest Stanford or Harvard (because of its cross-registration with MIT). Your SAT's will go up (mine went from 2100 to 2360, so it's certainly possible). Start your essays early, and buy the book "On Writing the College Application Essay" (Quotes for lack of underlining or italics lol) by Harry Bauld. Awesome book, and really helpful. Get the SAT's up and you'll be in.</p>