UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

For 2023, the admitted numbers are not usually posted until the waitlist has been cleared.

Application numbers are here: https://ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/_files/factsheets/2023/table-1.1-freshman-applications-by-campus-and-residency.pdf

If I understand correctly, UCI will be taking students from waitlist most likely starting May 1st.
Is July the month when they close the process of waitlist acceptances?


Schools can leave their waitlists open as long as necessary so there is no definitive date on when they close them. UCLA and UCR closed their waitlists last year in August. July 9th is when UCI closed theirs in 2022. Some UC’s closed their waitlists in June. It all depends upon when they fill the Freshman class.

Got it. So we need to check each UC for their specific waitlists. We’re waiting for UCLA and UCI.

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@SinCity, great question.

What’s the number of applicants this year?


No way to increase your chances to get off the waitlist. Everything is in UCI’s hands.

From the UCI Waitlist FAQ:

How do I contact UCI Admissions to demonstrate my interest in being accepted off the waitlist?
Contacting our office by email or sending a letter of demonstrated interest will have no impact on your chances of being admitted from the waitlist. We highly encourage you to accept an offer from another university while you await a status update from us.

How can I know my spot on the waitlist? How do you determine the order of the waitlist?
The waitlist is not an actual list or ranking - it is a pool of highly qualified applicants. There is nothing further an applicant can do to increase their chances of being admitted. To be considered, applicants must accept the waitlist by submitting the Statement of Intent to Participate.

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121,074 Freshman applicants.

Just wondering, normally after they move you from waiting list to acceptance, how soon you need to reply?

If admitted off the waitlist, you usually have 5-7 days to accept or decline.

If you are accepted off the waitlist, what happens with housing? Financial aid?

You will receive any financial aid that you are eligible if accepted off the waitlist. Guaranteed housing is not addressed for waitlisted applicants so I would contact UCI housing to confirm if waitlisted are guaranteed housing now before you need to make a decision. Some campuses guarantee housing to all waitlist admits and some do not.


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Hello everyone! Does anyone have any updates for the UCI waitlist for this years freshmen applicants?

Have the same question. We’re waiting and moving on too! got to cover all the bases…

FYI: Spoke with UCI housing rep. Was told that if student gets admitted off waitlist prior to May 1st, they are guaranteed housing like all other admits. If not (which is likely the case with most waitlisted students), housing is not guaranteed and is on first come basis if spots are available. UCI does not require for students to live on campus and therefore does not guarantee housing. He said there are off campus options for late admits and that students will have access to that list once admitted.


hi, does anybody know when UCI waitlists come out?

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Depends upon when spots open up. Usually after May 1 is when they may start pulling from the waitlist.


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@Gumbymom Do you know if there’s a deadline to accept a spot on the waitlist?


April 15 is the waitlist opt in deadline.