UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Anyone knows when the waitlists will be close?

In the past, I heart of some students being admired from the waiting list when the student already had started the semester in another college.

The waitlists close when they have filled all spots. In the past, they have closed as early as June or as late as August and it varies from year to year.

Here was the Waitlist timeline for 2022:
1st wave April 19, 2nd wave April 24, trickle of admits June 6,June 17. Waitlist closed July 9.


CHC is Campuswide Honors Collegium?

Admission to Campuswide Honors for incoming freshmen is by invitation. No additional application beyond the UC Irvine Admissions Application is necessary. Selection is based on your UC Irvine application.

Another option is to apply to Campuswide Honors once you are a student at UCI. Once you have completed a quarter at UCI as a full-time student, you may be eligible to apply. Many students enter the program in this way.

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I got waitlisted at UCI for CS, and my alt major was undeclared. Will I only be considered for CS, or is there a chance I get off the waitlist as Undeclared, as I heard that theres a higher likelihood that Undeclared majors get off.

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For the waitlist, you will be considered for CS and your alternate major Undeclared. Based on historical waitlist admits, most likely if admitted it will be with your alternate major. Undeclared does not give you a greater chance for admit, but usually the default major for waitlisted students that have an impacted major as their first choice.

Okay so I have a friend who applied software engineering as major and cs as his alternate. Is there any chance that he can get admitted off waitlist as Undeclared?

UCI admits into the University first then into the major. The options even from the waitlist can be 1st choice major, alternate major or Undeclared. Very possible that he will be admitted off the waitlist as Undeclared.

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My son is waitlisted at UCI (and UCSD) both of which he prefers over the schools at which he has been accepted at. He applied to all schools with preferred major of Electrical Engineering and alternate major of Environmental Engineering (generally less competitive an area than Electrical at most schools, but yet still Engineering
). Since applying, he has decided that he actually wants to do the 2nd choice of Environmental Engineering as a career, and wherever he ends up going, even if starting off as EE, after the 1st quarter he plans to request a major change to Environmental Engineering.
I wonder if there is any way at this stage to let the university know that he actually prefers his alternate major? I’m not sure if they would consider such a change request at this stage in the waitlist process ? (I have the same question for UCSD, which i assume UCSD would likely consider in the same way?).

Answered in question on the UCSD discussion but there is a greater chance as a waitlisted applicant that they will be admitted into their alternate choice major or Undeclared from the waitlist. Switching later as an enrolled student especially if it is another Engineering major is usually not an issue.

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in this situation, is the alt major “undeclared - Engineering” or “undeclared in A&S/ general”?
If ended up being waitlist admission as “undeclared engineering” that may not be so bad as you are in the school of engineering, and then it may not be too difficult to declare as CS within engineering. But if a student was accepted as “undeclared” in Arts & Sciences, that may take some careful though, as moving from undeclared A&S to CS within engineering may not be possible 

UCI does not offer Undeclared Engineering option but a General Engineering option. The Undeclared major is found in the Division of Undergraduate Education. An enrolled student then would have to go through the change of major process listed here for Environmental Engineering:

Cumulative UC GPA 2.70 GPA
Course grades Minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses required for the major and completion of at least the following:
  • Math 2A-B-D
  • Physics 7C-D, Physics 7LC-LD
  • Chem 1A-B, Chem 1LC or 1LE
  • ENGRCEE 20|
    |Other|90 units or less, unless the student has already made substantial progress in courses required for the major. Students must demonstrate a plan to graduate in no more than 15 total quarters.

I just got off from UCI waitlist, so happy !


Major? In-state or OOS?

Daughter got off waitlist this afternoon. Happy tears

Social Policy and Public Service major. In-state


Just got off waitlist today for physics! instate

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Has anyone gotten off the waitlist today for Nursing?

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Were you guys notified via email?

Did anyone get off the waitlist to UCI for Bio Sci?

yes i got an email!

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My son received an email saying there was an update to his application status. Decision was on the portal.