UC Irvine Waitlist Discussion Class of 2025

Awesome! Fingers crossed! Good luck everyone!


So, I assume that means nothing has come out yet? At least it doesn’t seem like it - not for UCI or UCSD. Only UCSB, I think.


Any hope for today?

UCR took some people off the waitlist today! So here’s hoping for UCI. My son just got news he was admitted to UCR but is hoping for Irvine. Fingers continue to be crossed!

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My daughter’s friend just got off waitlist from UCI and UCSB this week. It seems they already started rolling out the decision.

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What day did your daughter get off from the UCI waitlist?

what major did she get off of?

My daughter’s friend said she got off waitlist a couple days ago. Major in bio science.

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Has anyone majoring in Comp Science gotten accepted from the waitlist anywhere (UCI, UCSB, UCLA, CalPoly)? If so, please mention IS, OOS or international, and gender.

My in state son got off the waitlist for comp sci at UC Santa Cruz

Yes, I have heard of the WL movements for CS in UCSC and UCR. My son got UCSC, but preferred OOS.

a friend of my son’s got off waitlist at CalPoly SLO for Computer Science.


Uci difficult

Any hope WL decision come out today?
What is the realistic chance this year?


same ^^ any updates from y’all?

nada, starting to lose hope

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No updates at all. :frowning:

just checking

naur its time to move on now

Curious if this means anything, but I if you check your financial aid portal does it ask you guys to complete a verification task? Cause it requested one from me last night.