UC Irvine Waitlist Discussion Class of 2025

Does this mean anything? I ask several of my waitlist friends, and they said they only got the request on 2/1/2021 and not today.

Who knows O-o, guess we have to wait for next week

Hmmmm ok.

ahh im getting so nervous about this waitlist

Right, there are no waitlist updates. Eek!

Iā€™m going with ā€œno news is good newsā€ and keeping our fingers crossed!

Trueā€¦so true.


indeed awfully quiet.


I guess weā€™ll hear in June once California reopens!

when does the waitlist officially close?

UC website says June 1st, but I highly doubt thatā€¦

still no word on any substantial round of waitlist admits?

Havenā€™t heard of any CS major WL admits at UCLA, UCI, UCSB. I personally know a lot who have left UCI (international) and UCD (IS and int) - but so far no pick from WL. Some say colleges have over-enrolled, but I wonder on the extent of over-enrollment, when COVID related on-campus housing restriction was an un-resolved issue during April - they possibly canā€™t refuse the candidates later if housing became an issue. I still think the schools are waiting for their updated county rules on housing. So far, I have seen only LA countyā€™s guidance for IHE (Institute of higher education), but nothing from Orange and Santa Barbara counties.

The other UCā€™s have already been letting more ppl off of the waitlist so it really doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s an issue of housing space. Will wait and see!

Those counties have their guidelines / guidance already created though. SD Irvine and Davis donā€™t, but Iā€™m pretty sure all the others do.

I donā€™t think UCI has released WL since April 16th :frowning:

Donā€™t lose hope guys!!! Iā€™m sure something will come soon - I hear that waitlists decisions are delayed for almost all the UCs. Berkeley and UCLA released something saying that recently as well. Iā€™m sure soon after or around June 15th, weā€™ll get something :slight_smile:

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Governor Gavin Newsom is the one to blame.