Uc Regected Applicants

<p>Oh ! My God ! I was rejected by UCSD with 3.5 GPA. My major is Economic. I never thought that I would be rejected. I am 29 year old re-entry student. I am married and I work and study full time at the same time. I thought it was my advantage at the first place, but it seems that I was totally wrong. I only applied for UCB, UCD,UCLA and UCSD. I am so upset that I am afraid I go nowhere in the coming fall.</p>

<p>Sorry for that. Care to share your stats? We may be able to see why they may have rejected you; and keep in mind that you can appeal.</p>

<p>Did you complete IGETC, 60 units, math and English requirements (if so, by fall 2005...?)</p>

<p>I finished my Iget, but still miss calculus classes for my major. UCSD requires 4 math classes, but, i only can finish two of them before spring. I finished my English classes also.</p>

<p>UCSD does not screen for major prerequisites. When I said math, I meant the requirement of one transferable math course (it's a standard UC transfer requirement). When did you finish IGETC? How many total units?</p>

<p>In fact, I just finished my IGET this winter quarter. I finished my IGET math 2005 spring and my IGET English 2005 fall. I will finish 93 total units after this quarter.</p>


<p>This is a place to talk like a normal person, not to spout off terms (with definitions, no less, as if this were your philosophy classroom) from Logic 101.</p>

<p>ahahhah... well, yep I very much agree with you! Thanks for reminding but the other person mentioned about logic so... anyways, let's focus more on the admission decision which is the main topic here... </p>

<p>So how are you? Did you hear any news from any school that you applied? By the way, since i haven't seen you much on this board, have you just registered? If so, we'll be welcoming you! Let's join the fun in college confidential... :)</p>

<p>Tom 77, isnt that too many units to transfer to a UC? i know that berkeley wont take you if you have over 80 and as far as i remember a lot of the other UCs will not take you as well, i could be totally wrong, but i think i read that somewhere else besides the berkley site.</p>

Tom 77, isnt that too many units to transfer to a UC? i know that berkeley wont take you if you have over 80 and as far as i remember a lot of the other UCs will not take you as well, i could be totally wrong, but i think i read that somewhere else besides the berkley site.


<p>If they are all community college units, then it's ok. There is a limit only if there are university units involved. 70 units count as graduation credit; the rest count for subject credit.</p>

<p>Very accurate information there, gabew42!</p>

<p>"In fact, I just finished my IGET this winter quarter. I finished my IGET math 2005 spring and my IGET English 2005 fall. I will finish 93 total units after this quarter."</p>

<p>Meaning you already finished 2 English courses and 1 math course by Fall 2005 right? But you haven't done any Calculus classes yet?</p>

<p>It is true that I haven't done my calculus classes. I am studying in cc and so I don't think the units is a matter. I think I was rejected because I haven't finished any of my calculus classes. My major is Economic. It requires 4 calculus classes (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D). I only can finish two of them before the fall. I am going to appeal because I don't think I can get in others UCs if I got rejected from UCSD. I applied UCLA,UCD,UCB,UCSD only. I really regret that I didn't ally for others.</p>

<p>Good luck and I hope you can get into UCLA or UCB</p>

<p>Thank you LittleBlue. As a matter of fact, I really don't want to stay for another year in cc. I am already 29 year old. To some extent, I want to earn a degree as soon as possible because I know my wife is waiting for me. She supports me all the time, all I want to do is to make her life better in the future. I am going to appeal and I am going to point out that I can finish my Calculus 1B before fall. I hope they can change their mind.</p>

<p>I don't think it was the calculus, Tom. UCSD wants you to complete the prerequisities, but that doesn't affect admission to economics. Please think about other factors. Actually, you should call UCSD Admissions and ask them; they may be able to provide you with how your application was scored, etc.</p>

<p>Thank you gabew42. you are right that I can call them. I am going to do so on Monday.</p>

<p>Tom you're from SD and UCSD is your first choice? just curious, since you're an older re-rentry student, does location of school matter to you? let's say you got into another UC, which is located farther, would u plan to go to that school? or would u prefer a school closer to home?</p>

<p>I am from san jose, not from sd. in fact, i don't care where the school is because i have planned to move out of san jose. All I want is to get in one of the UC schools I applied (UCB,UCLA,UCSD,UCD). But, I am afraid that I couldn't get in others if I was rejected by UCSD. To some extent, I prefer a school farther than my home because I would like to spend two years in different environment with my wife. Actually, my favour school is UCLA, but it seems impossible at this moment.</p>

ahahhah... well, yep I very much agree with you! Thanks for reminding but the other person mentioned about logic so... anyways, let's focus more on the admission decision which is the main topic here...</p>

<p>So how are you? Did you hear any news from any school that you applied? By the way, since i haven't seen you much on this board, have you just registered? If so, we'll be welcoming you! Let's join the fun in college confidential...


<p>I've not applied anywhere yet... but once I have, I will most likely be posting on rejected threads like this one. I'll stop taking up space here, but thanks for the welcome!</p>

<p>When you apply and have any question, I bet many of us here could help you along the way. :)</p>