UC Riverside


<p>I’ve just been accepted into UC Riverside. However, they didn’t accept me into the major that I chose - Biology, I think. (Didn’t check back to my original application, but I’m pretty sure I applied to it)</p>

<p>Instead, they placed me into College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, - Undeclared-Life Sciences. - I’m really curious about what colleges/campuses are good in their university. Although I don’t have a lot of intention to go to UCR, I’m still curious to learn more about their school in case they have some good programs offered that other universities don’t. I have applied to McGill, University of Toronto, and University of British Columbia - all in Biology major. However, I heard that UCR is getting a medical school and someone suggested me to stick to UCR because of it. - I’m not entirely sure about it though.</p>

<p>I have trouble understanding what this major mean. (Undeclared Life sciences?) Does it mean it won’t let me declare the major until I qualify for certain courses? - They didn’t accept me into Biology major, and “Undeclared” sounded as if I had to qualify for certain things to satisfy their requirements before I can go into Life Sciences.</p>

<p>I am currently taking AP Physics, AP Calculus, AP Biology, Chemistry 12, English 12. I’ve taken Honours courses for all sciences, English, and French last year. My grade 11 GPA unweighted was 3.65, weighted was 4.5.</p>

<p>I read that they require me to take a Math exam, I don’t remember what it’s called, but it says that I can satisfy it through taking Calculus or pre-calculus (math5) - again, I have no idea what it means. I’m taking AP Calculus atm, so I believe I can score at least a 4 or 5 on the exam.</p>

<p>My main question is: Do all UC freshmen have to write the English entry exam and math exam to enter the university? Or is it only me that has to do it? I find it weird, because I thought my grades should more than satisfy UC Riverside’s requirements. - The description below the English entry exam stated that all UC freshmen had to complete it, but my brother who has been accepted into UC Santa Cruz didn’t get that notice.</p>

<p>My SAT scores aren’t that great. I started it late in my grade 12th year - I live in Canada, so I just only recently decided to apply into the states because I’m a US citizen as well as Canadian.</p>

<p>Thank you kindly for any help! They’re all appreciated.</p>

<p>“Undeclared-Life Sciences” probably means you still get priority to enroll in science classes, but that you are not yet placed into a major and may not get priority for certain major prerequisite science classes.</p>

<p>Every freshman is required to take AWPE, except those that have satisfied the requirement through other means (like getting 30 or better on the ACT Combined English/Writing test or scoring 3 or above on either Advanced Placement Examination in English). Math placement tests vary between majors/colleges/UC campuses; if your major at UCR requires you to take a math placement test, then you need to take it or waive out of it by satisfying the requirement through other means (like a certain score on the AP Calculus AB or BC exam).</p>

<p>i have no idea since i’m a chass major, chass is an awesome college with many diverse majors!</p>

<p>oh & the school of medicine has been postponed for fall '13, IF the chancellor gets i don’t know what approval from the regents i believe? i’m not sure, but the med school structurally-wise, is looking pretty good! :)</p>