**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

In the past USC sent admissions packages in the mail. The day you received the package depended on USPS and how far you lived from LA. Last year USC early admits received the package but USC had to shut down for the pandemic so regular admits just received portal updates. Eventually (last month) the class of 2024 received their admissions package.

This year USC early admits found out by email and portal update not by mail so regular admits will mostly likely find out the same way - before April 1.

I was going through previous year’s thread. Is the source code information reliable. Because this year also same information is on reddit that for many of them source code shows admit.

issa grain of salt

Nothing you find on the portal prior to decision day will give you an indication of your actual decision.


Ok, does UCSD release the results on Fridays only.

Historically yes they like to release on Friday but it does not mean they will this year. Unless the UC confirms the actual date, anything goes.


Yeah I combed through it too and I found “admit” but I also found “waitlist”. Looked for “reject” or “deny” but I couldn’t find any. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see, however difficult that is.

Those are just CSS(style sheet) elements that do not mean anything. In the world of web design you’d always have those embedded so when data server feeds data, client side would display “styled” information accordingly. People don’t find elements for “rejected” is probably just that rejected are usually lowkey
 lol, and doesn’t require any Banner or fancy font, therefore, regular font size with no particular CSS requirement. :pensive:


Did you find pay now. I will again I didn’t find waitlist.

I don’t see reject or deny or anything on mine, but I am also fairly confident I will be rejected because my stats are a stretch and a half so I feel like the source code isn’t really a way of seeing. I haven’t met anyone who has seen reject or deny either.

I know, I think I am just overthinking. After rejection from UCI with good stats I am totally off now. So hard to focus on anything


I heard UCI yield protects

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I totally understand. I’m sorry to hear about your rejection. It’s super hard not to stress, but it’s important for all of us to remember no matter where we end up it will be a good time, academically and socially. College is a pretty similar experience no matter where we go even if right now it seems like one or two schools are the only places we will thrive. You’ll be great no matter where you are :slight_smile:

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honestly same. After Irvine, I’m losing hope for Davis, UCLA, and UCSD.

Got into Merced, but its acceptance rate is a whole different game.


Each UC has a different acceptance criteria and different circumstances that impacts who they admit. Not getting into one UC doesn’t mean you won’t get into others. I know many people who got into UCB or UCLA but didn’t make it at UCSD, UCSB, etc. I know this is easier said than done but keep your hopes up.

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Don’t be down on yourself. The acceptance rate for UCI last year was 26%. This year it is bound to be lower. It is a very competitive school. Your rejection to UCI shouldn’t influence the AO’s decisions at UCLA or Berkeley.

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I just searched up “waitlist” in the bar and something came up. idk what that means tho.

Do you like to share

you know a way to find out whether you get a guaranteed decision or not? cos I know and its legit
