**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

By checking your portal the day decisions come out and checking status update :joy: 100% accurate. No cap. Haters will say it’s fake


Haha! Definitely 100% accurate!


yep :rofl:

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Will tomorrow be the day? It’s the first day of the “mid to late Mar”

historically decisions have come out on friday. but this year could be wonky. there’s rumors davis has started releasing some rejections already but i say just wait a bit

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I’m so nervous… San Diego is my dream school and I want to get in SO MUCH…It is an extremely difficult year for especially international students (me included) with the admission rates going down everywhere.

@Supergirl77 I sent you a message

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keep your head up! Davis is my first choice, but honestly we have no control over the process. There has been so many applicants. Plus, the UC system is having a hard time affording to keep their campuses safe with COVID. They need more international and out of state students to stay on budget. Unfortunately, I am in state. Whoever thought that being a CA resident would turn out to be a curse in the UC system.


I feel u! UC schools definitely should put ca residents first. I wish what you said about internationals is true but number of international applicants is way up this year so idk…


The UC’s have capped the # of OOS and International applicants which leaves the majority of spots for CA students. Unfortunately the majority of applicants are CA students so the competition is tough vs. OOS/International.

Due to UC costs, the matriculation rate for OOS and Internationals is very low.


This is so informative! THX! Do u happen to have a similar spreadsheet that includes the admission rates for each subgroup in previous years?

In the acceptance email from UCR, they stated that the received over 66,000 applications this year, it shows a little over 50,000 in this PDF. I wonder why. :thinking:

Also, in this LA Times article, UC received 250,000 applications as a whole this year.

Maybe they count transfer applicants in?

LA times specifically states that they were Freshman applications

@2021collegeapp: The application number quoted also included transfer applications and the Times can and has gotten it wrong.

Add in the transfers and you get 63,687

Take a look at this link: Freshman fall admissions summary | University of California

I ask about acceptance rates b/c I saw here 加州大学公布2019年申请录取数据,八分之一的中国留美本科生就读于UC各大分校 - 知乎. It’s in chinese but it seems that 2019 is public - first table on that page.
Specifically, for UCSD, acceptance was 32.3% overall and 29.7% for internationals.
I wonder where can we get these information.

These numbers are off the UCOP website which should be the most accurate. Add in the transfer apps you get close to 250,000 applications.

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For Berkeley, overall 16.8% but internationals 9.2%. More in that table.