**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**


UC’s are need blind so they do not take your financial status into consideration for admission purposes.

Hi guys, I am new on this forum and have applied from India. Does anyone know when will results come out?

I think it’s most likely the late afternoon of 19th, Friday.

It was predicted to be last Friday, but it didnt come out so I could likely be this friday but maybe even sooner or later. It’s not clearerly stated anywhere

No one knows for sure. We will get to know they are out when an email is sent.

sometimes emails can be delayed though. i would just check the portal in the late afternoon

Just got into UC Santa Cruz for CS.


Keeping the fingers crossed for UCSD and UCSB


If admitted to UCSD or UCSB, how easy is it to transfer to UCLA or UCB later?

If your intention is to transfer, I wouldn’t go to a UC. The process of CC->UC is far easier than UC->UC




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@Gumbymom Do you know how accurate the UC Admissions by school data is? If it’s correct, UCSD has not accepted a student from my daughter’s high school since 2010. Admissions by source school | University of California

I would agree with that as well. Also easier to transfer from a community college as well, particularly from cc’s that have agreements with the UC’s.

I do not know how accurate that report is and how the data is collected. If it requires the HS’s to submit the data, you it may be off. I looked at my son’s HS data previously and at least his HS data seems reasonable.

My school naviance is pretty accurate. It tells how many kids applied and how many finally enrolled.

My naviance is pretty inaccurate. According to naviance double my school’s graduating class applied to our state flagship so

Then don’t rely on that. And I think this year everything is so unpredictable, just wait for the decision to be posted on the portal. Good luck. Don’t think that if didn’t happened for last 10 years it won’t happen this year too.

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