**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**


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any clue if maybe ucsd will come out today? I just want this bandaid ripped off :sweat:

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I would say no, considering that Santa Cruz came out today and it would be rather unorthodox for both to come out on the same day. butā€¦ maybe?

thatā€™s what I was thinking, but other are projecting friday the 19th but UCLA is coming out then. :confused:

UCSD has come out at the same time as other UCs historically. The admissions departments are independent of each other.

In 2019 UCSD and UCLA came out on the same date.
In 2015 UCSD and UCSC came out on the same date.


Oh, then itā€™s coming out Friday probably. Eh, weā€™ll see

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I wish the UCs did it like UCSB just close the portals for a couple days and give an exact date :,(


Does everyone still have the option to withdraw their application. That was a bit tell that decisions were coming for UCI when students couldnā€™t choose to withdraw their application on the portalā€¦

I have no idea when UCSD will release their decisions. I would also guess this Friday. This would be the same date as UCLA.

I still have the option to withdraw but I had that for UCSC too despite their admissions update. everything is too out of wack right now



That is for Davis. The format of the portal changed for UC Davis this afternoon, but no decisions yet.

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My portal just says

Application Decisions
You will receive an email notification no later than March 31 when application decisions are posted in the Portal.

Ah, my mistake. Iā€™ve been changing between the two so frequently that I mixed them up lol. My b :joy:


the slight hope I had hahaha

what is the acceptance rate for bme at ucsd. its ranked really highā€¦

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Any idea when Davis is releasing decisions?

Really? I donā€™t think so cuz I got my UCSC acceptance a week ago but my stats are pretty average

Yes, really. Check out the bazillions of posts on the UCSC forum today.

Is it just me but I think acceptance rates are going to go wayyy down this year, there are so many more people applying.