UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

stop the cap bro

Not that its a big deal or anything, but why are you in this forum if youre already admitted :sob:

praying and looking out for my best friend ■■■■■ ;-;


manifesting for us let’s pretend i haven’t been stalking this forum for the last few weeks :sob:

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i almost burst into tears reading this omg.

i’ve also been stalking this forum constantly for the past few weeks :sob:. Definitely not good for my mental health :sob:

i put environmental science as my secondary major and my first major is uncapped…idk if env sci is uncapped tho lol

Awhh man, i hope to see yall on campus ;-;

me fr

bro same ive been constantly refreshing this forum and the ucla one i think i will go insane actually

no i cant even lie y’all like checking this forum is a part of my morning and night routine. first thing i do in the morning is check the forum, last thing i do before going to sleep is check the forum… like PLEASEEEE SAN DIEGO

ur so real for this

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same :sob: im actually addicted to this forum

REAL i wish they knew how badly i want them like

BESTIEE they will accept yall. PRAYING.

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UCSD YOU WANT ME SOOOOO BAD (i am actually the one that would do anything for them)

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no you didnt bro

put it on fam

Send a dang screenshot of that…

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no bc why would they send it at 9 pm pst ;-;