UC Santa Barbara admission

My son has a 1500 in SAT, 3.7 UWGPA and 4.2 WGPA. Any chance of getting into CS
@ UCB ?

UCB or UCSB? UC’s are test blind this admission cycle unless something changes so GPA will be a major factor. UCB should be considered a Reach school regardless if he is applying for EECS or L&S CS. UCSB is more likely but besides GPA, what are his other qualifications? HS course rigor, EC’s, CS experience, awards?
4.2 GPA capped weighted or fully weighted?

My son has below stats - what are his chances?
GPA 3.75 UW, 4.2W (UC - Weighted is 4.3 and UW is 3.8.
AP - 11th grade took 5 courses - Score of 5 in (AP CS, AP CSP, AP Calc) 4 in AP Spanish and 3 in AP physics
12th grade - he has 4 APs (AP Psch, AP Lit, AP Stats, AP Phy C) - so far his grade are A except 1 B+
Summer Work - 1 SW internship at start-up and 2nd he taught coding at coderschool
Eagle scout
Volunteer - Coding initiative (once a week teaching kids coding) - 9 and 10th
Robotics - SW developer
Outside courses -ATDP berkeley

  • HTML/CSS - 2017
  • Java Programming - 2018
  • Algorithms and Data Structures - 2019

Is UC weighted GPA 4.3, Fully weighted or Capped weighted?

Below is Capped weighted GPA admit rates for 2020. 2021 admit rates not yet available but based on preliminary overall admission information, the admit rates were lower.

Competitive majors like Engineering/CS will have lower admit rates. Your son looks competitive. Best of luck to him.

2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCSB: 40%

2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above capped weighted and not major specific:
UCSB: 81%

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