UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

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I agree. My daughter heard from ucsc but not from another uc

UCB, UCSC, and UCSB have all let in a small group already. UCLA invited a small group to apply for Regents scholarship which means 90% chance you are in.

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She received an email about UCLA Alumni Scholarships Program but I don’t think that guarantees acceptance. Her ideal school is ucsb.
If students don’t receive word does that mean they are not likely accepted?

They have only accepted a tiny sliver so far. Many more acceptances coming. The majority will be on March 16 for UCSB.

I honestly haven’t seen enough replies on these threads to be convinced that UCSB has sent any acceptances. But, if they did, the majority are yet to come on Mach 16th. In previous years, when UCSB did an early release, there would be tons of responses here and on Reddit. Magnitudes more. When they did the early release for Berkeley this year, it had the same general response level as previous years. So don’t worry, hang in there!


Thanks :heartbeat:

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That text is such a tease… if they have the audacity to reject after that, I’ll be so sad :upside_down_face:

What did text say?

“Hello! This is UC Santa Barbara Admissions. :surfing_man:t2: Thank you for applying to our campus! We hope you are excited for admissions release day in mid-March! In the meantime, follow us on Instagram at (they gave the link) if you have any questions! You can DM us on the account and get a quick reply. Reply “stop” if you want to opt-out of our text updates.”

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Yeah, why do they do that? What’s the point?

To make 17 and 18 year olds suffer… in reality it prob has something to do with keeping people interested through decision day to help with yield rate of accepted kids


I think they are just trying to reach the potential students at the places they are most likely to interact with the school. Northwestern started a TikTok account to announce first when there Early Decisions were announce in December. I hardly see it as a negative.

We didn’t get a text today!

That is just cruel.

I have twins. One got the text last time, the other did this time. I think it is just marketing.

D received something like this a few weeks ago. Did they send the same text again? Or is this the first time you’re getting this email?

Weird. I received two texts (one on February 9 and one on February 18). The first was just about the decision day, while the second provided a link to their Instagram. I didn’t receive any today though.

I’ve not gotten that email yet. I’m not on there to receive texts.

why do you think it’s march 16th exactly?