UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Both schools have posted early admits. The ones from UCSB are probably the students that would have gotten the Chancellor reception invite if the event was going to happen this year.


How many get in? What is the criteria?

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I do not know the numbers that get in, but they are top applicants not only academically but special talents, community service/volunteerism are considered. It is based off your UC application information and PIQ’s.

In the past Chancellor Reception invites went out to top students. At the receptions, students were told that they were all admitted but that their portal wouldn’t update until the date that everyone finds out. A week or two after the invites went out, a smaller group received Regents notification in the mail. It was a large folder with a certificate of admission. Would those that got accepted check your financial aid and see if there is any indication of Regents scholarship?


It’s strange that only 2 people so far posted getting in through their portal so far.

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I don’t believe that anyone has gotten in yet because the 1 or 2 people saying they heard back seemed to be talking about UCSC. Not a single person on reddit has heard back which has far more people than College Confidential. I don’t expect they would release only a couple of acceptances.

same, though one person said the son’s friend got into both UCSC and UCSB. Will see, but this sounds like a false alarm to me.

Yup. My son’s friend, who is the class valedictorian got in his portal for UCSB. He’s the only one we’ve heard off. My son’s status is still pending.

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did your son’s friend also get an email from UCSB? usually they send one after a portal update. It’s just odd that no one else on Reddit or CC have posted. Even Ms. Sun’s blog only has UCSB listed. Maybe he got lucky and got a sneak preview!

meant to say Ms Sun’s blog doesn’t have UCSB listed yet as releasing, but did have UCSC. anyway, we will keep waiting!

I checked Ms Sun’s blog and found the below. Her info on other UC campus admission dates seems to be accurate so far (Feb early admit for UCB, UCSC and possibly UCI).

*UC Santa Barbara All decisions will become available at Applicant Portal on March 16, 2021 (confirmed – UCSB Winter Counselor Newsletter received on February 8, 2021).

@CalBear95 it was portal. After I saw the posts on CC, I asked my son to check his portals and the boys all do this together, supposedly. Three got into UCSC (one CS, one robotics, one English Lit) and the one that got the CS said he was admitted into UCSB also. So then the others all checked UCSB but my son and the others still said “Status Pending” in the first tab. I didn’t ask much more.

I’ll ask my son after school. I didn’t want to prove because I didn’t want to stress him out since he hadn’t heard and UCSB would be a match school historically. But this year is anything but that!


She changed UCSC yesterday after what I told her I saw here. She does not know much more than what is reported online about decision dates.

of course not, please don’t add to his stress. I was genuinely curious if there was an email for that student, because it is very quiet otherwise. Here’s to waiting until 3/16, I suppose.

I know! I would’ve been happy and clueless waiting for 3/16 per the UCSB email but all these trickled in news is disturbing me from my clueless slumber. I’d rather not know til everyone knows but now there are news. Argh.


Its true. They received the emails last night from both UCSC and UCSB after seeing it in the portal. I do not think this is in any way the only admissions from those schools.

Can you point me to a link for Ms. Sun’s blog you are referring to? NEVER MIND. I FOUND IT.

Any chance there will be additional OOS acceptances next few days?

I love her blog