UC Santa Barbara Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Transfer admissions have nothing to do with Freshman waitlisted students. If spots open up before May 1, then you might see some waitlist activity especially if they under enrolled as mentioned in the above post.

I just got an update to my financial aid offer - is this a sign that I might be taken off the waitlist soon? Or does everyone get this at some point?

We got the same - but I couldn’t see what the update was. What changed?

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I’ll say – Santa Barbara is the only waitlisted school that we have received preliminary financial aid information from… but according to @Gumbymom this doesn’t mean anything and all schools provide it since the turn around time to make a decision is so quick turnaround :woman_shrugging:


Same here, daughter rcvd fin aid update from UCSB but not from other UCs. Not sure if it means anything or just that UCSB fin aid office on top of things.

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does anyone have stats on how many oos kids get off waitlist vs instate?

The UC’s do not breakout waitlist data based on residency. Only the # admitted from the waitlist is listed. Not even the # admitted vs. # enrolled data is available.

We got it too! Makes your heart race when you see the email :star_struck:

But what was the “small change” they referenced? I didn’t see anything different.

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Did you fill out a FAFSA?

Yes, they have had my son’s FAFSA the whole time. There hasn’t been a change on our end – it sounds like the change was on their end since several of us seem to have received the same email.

There was no change on our end as well…

The UCSB portal is closed now - is this just normal Sunday maintenance? Or is it a sign that new decisions are about to be released?

I must be overthinking this, the waiting is killing me lol.

@Gumbymom, my son’s first choice in all UC are biomedical engineering. Waitlisted at the top UC Schools - totally shocked and unhappy with the result. Can you send me transfer information for campus to campus in engineering? My son does not want to try the community route of transfer.

I will send you a PM. CC to UC transfers get priority over UC to UC transfers with UCLA being the exception which is UC to UC friendly.

Is the UCSB portal being closed a normal maintenance thing, or perhaps like last time, they are loading in decisions?

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Our portal isn’t closed – was it just for a short time or is your portal still closed?

Is it still closed? Ours is not - but I am seeing this message 7 hours later…

They re-opened it around noon PT.

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I checked and last time when they were loading initial decisions it was closed for 2 days. It was down for the day, I think, when they loaded transfer decisions — and if it was down for a couple of hours, perhaps it is a small wave. Guess we’ll know tomorrow!