UC Santa Barbara Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

UC specifically, does anyone know of cases where they ask for second semester senior year grades prior to making/issuing wait list decisions? Yes, this would not be the case for may decisions but curious about mid June decisions…

Have 2 b’s right now and just curious if I need to sequester my social life and move them up to A’s.

As background: I have 2 choices right now that I am happy with but there is 1 UC that is my absolute dream school. The worries/what if’s are starting…Thanks!

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I am unaware of any UC’s that ask for 2nd semester Senior grades as part of their waitlist evaluation, only 1st semester Senior grades for the UC’s that allow such documentation to be submitted.

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Any word on whether or not ucsb is releasing waitlist acceptances today? What time do they usually release?


Turns out it wasn’t today. Wouldn’t be surprised if they release a couple on Friday before the May 1st deadline.

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Just a couple?:neutral_face: I am praying for more than that.


I’m thinking it would be wise to release a bunch of waitlist decisions tomorrow prior to the May 1 deadline. UCSB has said they were “conservative” with their admission accepted number and that they’d be using the waitlist this year. Once people really get their head set on one school it’s harder to turn those to accepted offers.


If I’m not mistaken, UCSB released a wave of waitlist decisions around April 29 last year as well. We’ll see what happens.


In the last two years, UCSB has always released a batch for waitlists a day or two before the May 1 deadline, so my guess is probably tomorrow since the admissions office is closed on the weekend.


Anything yet?

Not for us…no emails or portal changes

No update here either. thinking probably late afternoon PST if today

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I’m thinking 3pm?


D22 is also waitlisted at UCSC and UCSD…would love anyone of them to make the first move! :joy:


Nothing here and it is 3:05.

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Hmm, maybe today’s not the day?

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or maybe 5pm pst?

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We may have to wait until next week, 5/6. I’ll be waiting for anyone to post updates and acceptances! Good luck, everyone!!!

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What makes you think 5/6? Any inside intel ?:grinning:

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maybe end of day so admissions office wont have to field any calls. send just before they close for the wkend? just a guess

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I had just read that schools often do their waitlist admissions after May 1st Decision Day, and if we are looking for any word closer to the end of the week, then 5/6 is the first Friday after Decision Day. No hocus pocus, just another parent trying to make sense of this unpredictable cycle :weary: