UC Santa Barbara Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

UCSB always releases decisions as soon as possible after the May 1st deadline so it doesn’t make sense that they would wait until Friday.

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I hear you! Hoping for the best for all of us! DD is excited about her backup now, and I have encouraged her to focus on her acceptances…But UCSB is/was her dream school…and while she’s moving on, I’m not ready to let go of in-state tuition and having her a few hours away :slight_smile:


Completely understand! DD was pleased with her acceptances, but when visiting the campuses she just really loved both SC and SB, since she is a nature girl. She will be happy where she committed and we are showing her nothing but excitement and support. However, a waitlist opening would be a dream come true. I can’t wait to hear from all of you when things get rolling, as I am learning so much!

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Has anyone ever heard of them releasing waitlists decisions on the weekend?

I have not

Is it possible that they release tommorow

My best bet would be starting Monday, a day after the SIR deadline.

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I just read that there has been movement on the UCI waitlist…come on, SB!


UCSB portal says there is a scheduled maintenance on Tuesday morning, has it always been like this every week?

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So the decisions will not be coming out today you think?

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They have closed down with each decision release (freshman, transfer)

Our portal doesn’t say it’ll be down Tuesday, though.

I called the admissions office a few weeks ago and asked them this question and they said that instate has no priority over oos students. They fill the class based on what they need (ie: if they need bio majors, they will pull from waitlisted bio students, etc).

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same my portal has no update about schedule maintenance

It says before you log in on the bottom:

This site will be unavailable Tuesday mornings between 5:30 and 6 a.m. (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance.


This confuses me because I always thought the UCs arts & sciences don’t admit by major.

You are correct that the College of Letters and Sciences does not admit by major. I am sure that example noted by @Matthew_Wang might have not been the quote from admissions verbatim.

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Hello Gumbymom,
You seem to be in the know, so I thought I would try you. My daughter committed to Cal Poly SLO early April and has since changed her tune to SDSU. So, she committed there yesterday. There was no charge for Cal Poly, so now she is committed to two colleges. Can she do that? The system seemed to let her. I am feeling she wants a little more think time. And then there is the UCSB waitlist…:crossed_fingers:

She needs to officially withdraw from Cal Poly SLO by tonight if she now wants to commit to SDSU. The system may let you but if both schools find out that she has double deposited or SIR’d, then they could rescind both acceptances.

Unfortunately it is time to make a decision and yes it is tough at 17 or 18, but that is part of being an adult. The waitlist should not be a consideration at this point. She needs to pick a school before Midnight today.