UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

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Hi - does anyone know whether freshman admitted off waitlist have a reduced chance at campus housing for freshman year? It appears to still be prioritized (if they submit within 5 days of SIR) but I know they avoid saying guaranteed either.


Anyone here about CS Waitlist here yet? I accidentally applied to CS since I didn’t know they had my DS major here :sob:

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Thank you for all the great info! :smiley:

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I have the same question we have until the 16th to respond but looks like the real deadline is the 15th and we are concerned about the housing situation. This was her first choice but she’s mentally moved on so housing etc is pretty important to her… any info appreciated!

I looked through the housing application and it says if you are a late admit (like off the waitlist) then you have five days after submitting your SIR to do the housing application to get priority.

Thank you-- I stopped scrolling after I saw the May 15th deadline it was right there :).

I believe Freshman off the waitlist still get housing. last year, I didn’t know any Freshmen who didn’t get housing.

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Anecdotally speaking, CS is both a low acceptance rate major and very small at UCSB compared to most other colleges. As a current Computer Engineering major who knows a LOT of CS majors (I take mostly CS classes), I don’t know anybody who got off the waitlist for CS, or for any Engineering major for that matter. I do know a lot of people who got off for Data Science.

Congrats man! So proud of you! Wanna room together?

Any WL movement? Appeals? Anything? If UCLA hadn’t hit their numbers, there is no way UCSB already did. Thoughts?


I’m not sure the last line is accurate - the UCs all do their waitlists independently from each other. One school’s waitlist movement doesn’t mean another school will accept waitlists.


Agree completely. They operate independently. And it’s different every year. Some campuses may admit conservatively and use the waitlists while others don’t need to use the waitlist because they pegged it right initially or even overenrolled.

Two years ago, UCLA took a very small percentage off the waitlist. UCSD took none because they actually admitted too many and yield was higher than expected.

This year it seems like all schools have used the waitlist (maybe not Riverside and Merced, but all the others to at least some degree).


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What does it mean when universities are conservative with admissions? Do they admit less people than they think they’ll need, or do they put more people on the waitlist than they accept? Thank you.

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Both. They will admit less and use the waitlist to meet enrollment targets.


Yes, i totally understand and agree…however I have seen many posts on social media where someone got into a UC but now switching to UCLA. Then CAL had their WL pull a day after. This must leave gaps in SB, Irvine, SD, Val Poly even USC etc. If UCLA wave was big enough it will imapct more than previous years. There is a lot of overlap with the same students. Also so many people double depositing or just leaving their name on WL just for fun to see if they can be admitted. It just delays the entire process for people eagerly waiting on WL or appeals.

Good luck to everyone on the WL!!!

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DS just got off the waitlist.


Congratulations to your son.

In-state, OOS or International? Major? Deadline to accept?