UC Santa Barbara vs. Small LAC

<p>im down to 2 schools!
UCSB and Rhodes College in Memphis TN. </p>

<p>I dont know if id rather have a big or small school because i think ill do well in each.
However i dont know if im displined enough for UCSB.
Basically UCSB is 50k a year, but its santa barbara!
Rhodes is 37K for me
I wont have to take out any loans as my mom has promised to pay everything..
I think i wanna study business but im not really sure</p>

<p>I want to know where i will get a better job and a better education(UC budget cuts)
Can anyone HELP!?!?!</p>


<p>Iā€™d take Rhodes. A more intimate education at a top LAC + $52 K extra in the bank when you finish.</p>

<p>Rhodes is not worth 37K do you have any other options?</p>

<p>uni san diego for 50k
furman for 35k
elon for 35k</p>

<p>are you borrowing this money? by the way your name is offensive.</p>

<p>redskins 1993 -</p>

<p>I have no idea what SISTOKID has against Rhodes. It is up to you and whoever it is who is helping you pay for your education to decide which option is best for you. Rhodes is not hideously more expensive than Furman or Elon. If you prefer it, that is OK. Since you are concerned about costs, run your aid packages through this calculator, and then discuss the results with your family: [FinAid</a> | Calculators | Award Letter Comparison Tool](<a href=ā€œYour Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaidā€>Award Letter Requirements - Finaid)</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>

<p>USD has a very fine business school. San Diego also employs a lot of students out of USD. Small school, good academics, nice balance of social and study. Campus is beautiful!</p>

<p>Furman- great university, not sure they even have a business school. Super LAC. Pettiest campus I have been on.</p>

<p>UCSB- well aquainted with UCSB, good school, crazy social life, can be hard to stay focused.</p>

<p>Elon- loved their business school, looked impressive. I have no clue about employment after school. Elon- not known at all on the west coast, if you plan on living and working on the west coast.</p>

<p>Rhodes- ??? Cannot help here.</p>

<p>thanks! any other opinions.
i kind of took out USD because i didnt think it was worth the 50k (i got the impression its not highly regarded by californians?)</p>

<p>I cannot add more to USD other than to say I think it is well respected in CA. A very successful and wealthy business man in La Jolla has donated a lot of money to USD. I believe the upper classman dorms are named for him. His businesses employ many USD grads.</p>

<p>FYI - My kiddo was also accepted to USD but will be attending Furman.</p>