**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

Oh interesting! Good to know. You’re a wealth of info!!! For some reason, I had thought UCSC offered Regents in Feb!!!

Wait I thought they did…my friend got it

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This is probably a redundant question but whenever I’ve researched UCSC I always read mixed reviews of what admissions looks for in an applicant. Do they look more into gpa (and if so whats the average gpa because multiple websites say different stats) or essay questions? Considering UCs didn’t take any test scores this year, I’m trying to estimate my chances of what they’re looking for.

Sorry if this is an over asked question, but I’m really hoping for some good news from UCSC within the next few days.

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UC’s tend to be very GPA focused and I like to use the UC Freshman profile GPA data which is the capped weighted UC GPA.


UC’s look at 13 areas of criteria when reviewing applicants. Here is the link: How applications are reviewed | UC Admissions

If you list your UC capped weighted GPA, I can give you the 2020 admit rate for UCSC.

How do I found out what the UC approved honors classes are for our high school?

This is only valid for California HS’s: University of California A-G Course List

Type in your HS name for the search


This page has some pretty good stats - directly from UCSC. Admission rate was probably higher last year though given the circumstances of COVID. https://admissions.ucsc.edu/why-ucsc/facts.html. But looks like it’s 50/50 in terms of GPA. About 50% are above 4.0, the remaining 50% are below, but most of those are still in the 3.5-3.9 range.

I don’t think admission rate was affected by Covid last year.

I think they had to admit more, and/or at least take more off the waitlist because so many people were declining. I don’t know that for any fact, just assuming.

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They also allowed some Freshman to defer enrollment last year due to Covid, so they may be accepting less Freshman this year due to the deferrals.

I read somewhere that the UCs generally do not allow deferrals and that you need to reapply. But last year, some allowed deferrals and some still did not. I know Davis did. I am not sure about the others. Do you know which ones did?

You are correct the UC’s rarely grant deferrals, but Covid was a different situation. UCD has allowed deferrals in the past and I know that UCSC did last year. I would have to search the UC discussion threads to see which other campuses offered deferrals. Most deferrals are granted on a case by case basis so there may be applicants that received a deferral but never posted the information.

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I was using anecdotal data. We know a Davis kid who deferred and a UCSD kid who was told No.

Just got this email.
“Thank you for your patience! We will release your admission status no later than March 20, so now is a good time to get ready to view your status on the [MyUCSC portal] by logging in and making sure that your UCSC CruzID and CruzID Gold Password work. Your decision will be displayed on the portal through April 30.”


I know. I was afraid of that. :frowning:

If they wait till 3/20 they would be one of the last UCs to report decisions. Sounds like UCLA will be 3/19.

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is the portal down for anyone else? if it’s not just a wifi issue on my end it might be a good sign, maybe they’re uploading decisions?

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It’s down for me too! Could be the email, too. Decision flood.

Portal should be down because a lot of people are trying to log in right now. Nothing related to uploading decisions.

Somewhere I read - don’t recall where, but put it on my calendar - that decisions would start on the 15th, so that doesn’t mean they will wait until the 20th, just that it will be BY the 20th.