**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

My son just told me he was wait-listed to UCSC. He was accepted to UC Riverside. I wonder what the difference is. I thought they were comparable. Still waiting to hear from Davis (but less optimistic now).


I’m sorry to hear that, I thought the same about Riverside and Santa Cruz. I think he still has a good chance at Davis since all the campuses were competitive this year and admissions seemed pretty random. Maybe it had to do with fit? I am waiting on Davis too, good luck!


Same here for D. WL at UCSC and accepted to Riverside. If you believe in the USNWR rankings, then Riverside is #88 and UCSC is #97.

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Accepted for cog sci! Does anyone know anything about scholarships? Would they have mentioned a scholarship in the acceptance if I got one or does it come out later?

I got my acceptance on Feb 22nd but my stats are pretty average not sure why I got mine so early when other people who have my stats just got it now.

Curious, what were your stats?

Just a quick word of encouragement for all those waitlisted: Expect College Wait Lists to Be Obnoxiously Long This Year - WSJ
Apparently, schools will put applicants on the waitlist much more than previous years. I see a lot of you getting accepted off of it :slight_smile:

Point of reference. Last year, 59 kids from my boys’ high school applied and 46 were accepted. (4 enrolled.) This year, everyone they have heard from has been waitlisted which I am sure is not everyone but still.

Daughter accepted the waitlist, although we are sure that she will go elsewhere. I looked at her stats 3.9 CSU/UC GPA with 3 AP classes, 2 Dual Enrollment JC classes and EC plus jobs.

That’s what I was saying at Cal Poly SLO thread, if your kid is not getting accepted, you probably need to ask the school counselor abt commitment rate each year.

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True. My boys were probably not going to go. One got in. One was waitlisted. As for Cal Poly, 87 applied last year, 42 got in, 14 went. So better. For UCSB, 93 applied, 43 got in, 12 attended, so maybe we will fare better tomorrow. (Class of 180 last year.)

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How long does it take for the letters to ship?

haha - my niece wrote that article :wink:

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I was accepted in the first wave and I barely got the letter today.

Random question, but do the UC acceptance rates include those who were admitted off of the waitlist? Or is it strictly those who were initially admitted?

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I think it includes waitlist admits but I could be wrong. Hopefully someone on CC can confirm this.

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My D got in today but she has other schools (she got into) that are currently higher on her list. She prefers SoCal. That should open up a spot. Let’s see what happens tomorrow. Good luck to all. UCSC is a great school, Go Slugs!


My son also said that the UCSC waitlist message said something like you’ll hear back in July if anything opens up. Is that even useful? Universities that admitted him want to hear from from him sooner than that, like May.

My daughter is in state and got accepted in Feb. High stats, no Regents.

I don’t think it does