**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

Rejected from Anthro yesterday :partying_face:

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Itā€™s all good btw. I got into SJSU which I like more.


Same boat here. While SJSU seems to be a better option because of being in the center of Silicon Valley, couple of reasons that we are debating:

  1. Commuter school: even though my DD will stay in-campus, I hope it will be a better experience.
  2. The course planning seems to be for 5 years rather than 4 years. Thatā€™s a little bit worrisome.
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SJSU is a fantastic option for CS. If you were waitlisted to UCSC, donā€™t give up quite yet. Last year, a decent proportion of waitlisted students were admitted, and the same thing could happen this year. SJSU is a commuter school, so you wonā€™t get the experience youā€™d get at a UC, but Iā€™m sure heā€™ll have plenty of fun at SJSU despite its commuter reputation.

Not sure what your DDā€™s major is, but in 2015 our oldest son was admitted as Transfer student to UCSC in Politics. Same year our middle son admitted to SJSU in Biomedical Engineering. Both graduated and both got great jobs as a result of their respective schools. UC son interned through UCDC one quarter, and one quarter at State Capitol through UC program, which factored into his employer selecting him over other applicants. Proximity and internships at SJSU likewise factored into other sonā€™s job after graduation in biotech. Both great schools for different reasons. Recommend attend where DD wants to attend, provided similar opportunities exist in major.


Thanks. She got into Software Engineering major in SJSU and CSE at UCM. Waitlisted at UCSC for CS.

According to the 2019-2020 (non Covid year) SJSU CDS, 56% of freshman live on campus. I think CPP is 44% and UCR is 70% for comparison. SLO is 99.7%.

Same here, Rejected at UCI. But, she has been accepted at Penn State, Chapman, CSU Fullerton, SJSU and Purdue. My daughter is seriously considering UC Merced too now. Whatā€™s your daughterā€™s major?

Maybe a good idea to do internships in parallel then - which may not be a bad experience.

For us if he goes for Florida, that may be opposite and an interesting experience - being a big time sports school - football in particular. I am saying interesting because he has never been into watching sports (although he is fine playing himself). Kids mostly into online video games these days. But the atmosphere of a sports school may be contagious.

Great. Mine wants to major in Psychology and minor in music. She wants to stay in state and applied to selected state schools, some privates and 8 UCs. She also has a safety option with ASU with honors college but not considering it at this time.


Iā€™m not knowledgeable specific to Software Engineering, but Biomedical Engineering son lived on campus at SJSU for 5 years with other STEM students, so Iā€™m sure their program is good, and suspect UCSC is as well, and has proximity to Silicon Valley / employers / internships. ā€œCouldā€ be a drawback to UCM. Also, Biomed Engineering took son 5 years. 4.5 would have been about right, except sequence of classes ended up taking 5 years. In his major, I believe there was only 1 ā€œelectiveā€ course, so completing in 4 years could be a challenge. Some courses had hours or a lab that didnā€™t totally count towards degree total ā€œcreditsā€, so that also contributed to 5 years. Regardless of where they attend, HIGHLY recommend (summer) internships to expand post grad employer attractiveness and opportunities.

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Sorry to hear. I was waitlisted myself. Just out of curiosity do you mind sharing your gpa?

I agree. Hoping that some credits will come from the AP exams, DD can finish up the course on time. Internship is the gateway to a good job at a good company. Thatā€™s highly encouraged and I expect her to do the same.
My philosophy has been that she should go to a school where there is a balance between course rigor and campus life. Last thing I want is her to holed up in the dorm and study all the time to get good grades. Otherwise, she would never know what a true college life is.

I never calculated it with the UC system tbh. Itā€™s in the threes though.

what does it mean if it says you got into the proposed major?

UCSB decisions are out and I got waitlisted. Getting waitlisted to UCSC and UCSB, my two dream schools, hurts pretty bad. Iā€™ll be heading to Cal Poly SLO unless I get off the waitlist either here or at UCSB. Good luck to everyone and their college journey, itā€™s been a good time getting to meet you all. If I end up getting admitted off of the waitlist, Iā€™ll make sure to let you all know. Bye!


Yes, I agree with everything you said. Side note - SJSU accepted (for total units) sonā€™s AP Biology score, but didnā€™t count towards degree, since it didnā€™t satisfy their biology curriculum - and he was Biomedical Engineering. Go figure. Summer school could also potentially help stay on 4-year track, if necessary. Definitely want all to enjoy balance of academic and ā€œcollege lifeā€. I know some of that is dictated to some degree by major (have known very bright kids who transferred out of engineering after 2-3 semesters to allow more ā€œcollege lifeā€, due to the demands of its curriculum, but there can still be a balance, for sure. I think most campuses offer plenty to do, EC-wise, as long as the student takes advantage of the opportunities. Good luck, wherever she decides to attend!

Does anybody know if scholarship recipients already notified?

There is going to be so much waitlist movement that nothing is set in stone yet. That being said, you will certainly be a fabulous school with a great CS program that will be in an idyllic setting on the coast no matter which of these schools is your final spot. Mourn a little and then try to focus on what is going to be an exciting four years filled with new experiences, knowledge and friends.

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Yep. Just had to blow off some steam. I love Cal Poly SLO and I know Iā€™ll be happy there. Still hoping to get off the waitlists, but Iā€™m very very grateful to have SLO.

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