UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Ugh! I wish my kid didn’t love Santa Cruz so much! I don’t see why housing shouldn’t be guaranteed off the wait list. It’s not like they are adding spots, they are just replacing spots!


SAME SAME SAME :sweat_smile:. I feel this so much

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Right!? And why do they have to have the housing deadline so early? :neutral_face:

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And what exactly do they mean by “find some last minute options” If there’s no on campus housing, not sure it’s worth accepting a waitlist offer. I went to Santa Cruz, and off campus is so far it would terrible for a freshman.:pleading_face:


I’m really hoping they release some WL offers, give 72 hours to respond, and then send out another wave next week after going over the numbers. This would give kids a chance to SIR before the housing deadline.

However, there may only be one round if they give a full week to SIR. God, it just gets crazier and crazier!! :crazy_face:

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I know I was just thinking this yesterday. If I get off waitlist but they don’t offer me on-campus housing I honestly don’t know if I would want to go anymore. I really like the school and would love to go but I would also love to experience living on-campus first year. It would suck to have to find housing off-campus and have to ride a bus up to the campus, all while my fellow freshmen are living it up in the school’s dorms.


Reached out to UCSC admissions on FB asking if they have a date of waitlist release and just received this response:

“Thank you for reaching out! No, we don’t have a date. Every year is different for us, depending on the applicant pool that we receive each year and our enrollment goals. We cannot predict or guarantee when or even if we will accept more students from our freshman or transfer waitlist. We know the uncertainty may be stressful, so we thank you for your patience.”


Good God :roll_eyes:

Thank you for reaching out. I called the housing office this morning. Just got a recording stating they will call you back within 48 business hours. So nothing new to offer here, but I really appreciate all of you and this collective, supportive community that shares information.

I’d be close to committing to a single padded cell without you all! :crazy_face:


Y’all… I don’t think they are going to go to their waitlist.

The fact that they haven’t gone yet is not a good sign - they have always gone early to get out ahead of other waitlist activity. The longer they wait, the less likely kids will accept the offer, especially since all the other UCs have already gone to their waitlists. My kid has moved on, and yeah - no housing is totally a nonstarter.


I’m worried you might be right. I wish they would just tell us that though so we don’t keep holding out hope


We know lots of students with high GPAs who would have been going to other UCs in previous years, but they only got in to UCSC and UC Riverside this year, so that’s where they are going. I am guessing they have all the freshman they want because of that.


I’ve been looking at the Instagram page for incoming freshmen and it looks like students have already gotten confirmation on their housing affiliations as well. Things aren’t looking good for us. :confused:


one thing that maybe is a glimmer of hope is my son’s friend was accepted to UCSC for CS and decided to go to Cal Poly SLO so there is at least one spot for CS available :joy:


I agree with this… unfortunately it appears that UCSC sent out too many offers this year.

Santa Cruz is almost always the first UC to drop waitlists… now I think it’s the last one without any news at all. They are usually very generous as well with their waitlists but it appears that times have changed.

One of my friends who’s studying CS at UCSB was waitlisted for a lot of other UCs but only got off the waitlist for Santa Cruz.

Anecdotally speaking… there are a LOT of people going to santa cruz this year, far more than anybody remembers, simply because they didn’t get into one of the mid-tier UCs.

Ironically, the mid-tier UCs like UCI, UCSB and UC Davis have been quite generous in taking from their waitlists. I know 2 people who switched from Santa Cruz to Davis after getting off the waitlist.

it’s quite possible that UCSC is waiting for the people who got off the other waitlists to withdraw from Santa Cruz before making any waitlist decisions.


I turned down UC Santa Cruz Computer Engineering for UCSB so hopefully that opens up an engineering spot for someone :slight_smile:


Housing is already getting full. This is just so stressful



Oh great :sob:

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Per the website, College 9 apts are not available for first year students.


Good heavens…. I’m still praying for WL movement by Friday so we can SIR before the 27th.
Yesterday was the deadline to SIR for UCSD’s latest offers, so just hoping that is why we haven’t heard a word


Trying to remain optimistic here. In 2020, almost 16,500 were waitlisted and 10,370 of those were offered spots (86%). In 2021, 19,170 were waitlisted and 12,541 offered spots (53%). It seems super unlikely that they wouldn’t offer ANY spots this year? I suppose anything is possible, but our hope is that they are just delaying for some reason. Fingers crossed.

My daughter’s best friend goes there and most of her UCSC friends came off the waitlist last year.