UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Good point! Everyone’s circumstances are different I suppose. And she is enjoying decisión days but knowing it can possibly change is uneasy I suppose

I find it weird that UCSC is the only UC that hasn’t started releasing waitlist acceptances yet…


Torture!! :crazy_face:


My son got off the WL for CS at UCSC last year on June 3rd or 4th. It is torture to wait so long!! He is very happy up there though, so it was worth waiting for! :blue_heart:


I can wait for however long but the thing that doesn’t sit right with me is that they haven’t even released the first wave which I’m pretty sure they did by this time last year. Correct me if I’m wrong though

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I am no expert but it seems there could be more movement in the next couple weeks. We have seen spaces open up at UCD, UCI, UCSB, and UCSD. If those students were already committed at other schools — ie some at UCSC — then those spots may open up soon. Unless they are currently overenrolled, which is possible. It just makes sense to me that every week spaces can shift.

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Agreed. Just hoping by waiting to offer spots, UCSC gives us a big wave and not a trickle of offers


My son retracted his SIR for ucsc in jack baskin school of engineering for a biotech spot from UCD ON MAY 5. At least one here for engineering. GL to the WL kids deserving a much anticipated response and a spot🙏


Anyone get anything yet?

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Not here. But when offers roll out, could everyone please post:

  1. When you received your notification
  2. In state / out of state / international
  3. Major

Burning questions we are all going to want to know!

Thanks and good luck everyone!!! Let’s hope we have a lot of good news this week! :crossed_fingers:t2:


Of course. I’m anxiously (and impatiently) waiting.


Hey guys, so I had emailed the UCSC Admissions Office a few days ago asking about waitlist releases and housing and they told me some concerning information about housing deadlines.
In the last paragraph they mention “last-minute options” for housing, does this mean we will have to live off-campus? :disappointed_relieved:


When is the housing deadline?? :skull:

I responded to the email asking them that… waiting for a response.

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This contradicts an earlier post which is obviously concerning….


Yes, it’s weird. They said in the email that the earliest batch could be mid-may so I am hoping we get a big batch this week. I have a feeling the housing deadline will be in June.

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May 27th is the housing deadline

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Thank you. Just what we need…more anxiety :worried:

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oh :melting_face:

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So we have this week and until next Friday to be accepted and SIR… GREAT!! :cold_sweat:

Or one of you needs to become our landlord… :sweat_smile: