UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

@Omega_12 For what it’s worth, my daughter is a Psych major in-state who was accepted at UCSC and declined her spot. It just was not the right fit for her. I am cheering your daughter on and hoping she gets off that waitlist. My daughter was waitlisted at UCSD and UCSB and SIRed at U of O. I am keeping my fingers crossed for UCSB, but know it’s a long shot!


My daughter is instate, undeclared :slight_smile:


In-state. Cognitive Science.


My son is in state and a computer science major. Fingers crossed for all of us!!!


Thank you, psych buddy @susanSD !! My daughter is also waitlisted at UCSB and UCSD. Committed to SDSU

Small world… thank you for the well wishes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

DD instate CS Major .:crossed_fingers:


DS instate CS Major. Also - as a software engineer myself it’s crazy to me that CS is so impacted everywhere, we really need more engineers…



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My daughter is in state and a Poli Sci major.

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daughter is in state, psych major

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It’s so amazing to see these brilliant kiddos all in state!! C’mon, Santa Cruz… snatch them up!!!


Son is in-state

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UCSD is rolling out more WL offers… :sweat_smile:

They have to SIR by 5/25

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It is definitely possible for UCSC to not pull from the waitlist… just look at UCSD last year. According to their Common Data Set for 2021, UC San Diego took 0 people off of the waitlist

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 25,419
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 8,835
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 0

I’m not saying that this will definitely happen, but it can’t be discounted as a possibility. It’s very possible UCSC vastly underestimated its yield.


The UC Admissions offices work very hard to figure out their yield before they release their acceptances. However, because each UC competes with the other campuses in enticing students to enroll, there can be serious variations from year to year.

This can result in extremely tight housing supply, crowded classrooms, or no people off the waitlist.

Last year, UCSD had such a situation – they admitted far too many students and campus enrollment surged past 43,000, far more than they planned for. Consequently, UCSD couldn’t admit anybody off their waitlist because too many of their admits committed to the school.

It’s very possible that the same thing happened to UC Santa Cruz this year.

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Agreed, UCSC historically is the most generous UC for waitlists.

However, the situation varies greatly from year to year, as the UC campuses themselves note.

It’s very difficult to predict a school’s waitlist acceptance rate from year to year. A great example is UC Santa Barbara:

in 2019, UCSB admitted 10% of waitlisted students. In 2020, they admitted 97% of waitlisted students. In 2021, UCSB admitted 21% of waitlisted students.

Who knows, maybe UCSC’s yield was too high this year because the mid-tier UCs were very competitive so too many people enrolled at Santa Cruz?

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I wouldn’t call “is the most generous UC for waitlists.”, rather it is the fact that it historically needs to go deeper to its waitlist to “top off” the freshman class compare to other UCs.
As UCSD ( one of the 3 most popular UCs) already on its 2nd wave, I am not surprise if a student get off UCSD waitlist but already SIR-ed to UCSC would consider going with UCSD.
On the other hand, students who are waitlisted at multiple UCs would likely go with the first UC that admitted them (i.e. whichever school help end the “waitlist torture” sooner is the “winner”.). The fact that UCSC releasing waitlist admission later than other UCs maybe the reason it has a low yield from the waitlist.

One thing to point out is that , when a school says it admitted 5000 from the waitlist, it means it needs to offer 5000 students in the waitlist to get X students to SIR. Where X is the number of remaining seats available in the freshman class, after 01 May. It is unfortunate that they don’t list “Enrolled off waitlist” to tell us the whole story.


I really appreciate everyone’s insight. So many factors and so many unpredictable twists and turns. Meanwhile, I guess we just sit tight


Hi all,
Just FYI - my wife just got off the phone w a very nice rep in the admissions office. The rep shared that the waitlist will open once “the dust settles” from the May 1st acceptance deadline, and the waitlistees will hear anytime from now through August, however it might be a good idea to “look into your second option” given the volume of acceptances this year (this was suggested twice😬) . The rep also confirmed on campus housing is not guaranteed if accepted from the waitlist. Best wishes to all the waitlistees (and fellow parents of) out there!


Thank you for this update!! :pray:

And I wish “now” was really NOW to beat that housing deadline of 5/27. After the 27th, it’s going to get dicey!