UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Wow I thought at least the freshmen initially accepted would be guaranteed housing.

D22 submitted her housing application for her affiliated college. According to the housing timeline, an email will be sent out by mid August with hall name, room type, and roommate information, along with the move in information.


What do you mean? Why would they already have a housing assignment before the housing deadline? My daughter doesn’t have a housing assignment at her SIRed school either, and the deadline was earlier than at Santa Cruz. I don’t think that means they won’t have one, correct?

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My daughter has SIRed but like all her friends has not received any housing. It will be in late July or August


Right. This makes sense. It seems premature to panic about this.

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My daughter has another friend accepted (a freshman) who has – apparently – received her housing assignment at UCSC. Again - I am getting all of this secondhand - so it should be taken with many grains of salt.

I think the greater concern for my daughter is for what will happen in the subsequent years. Housing is a significant issue at UCSC. And even if freshman are essentially guaranteed housing, the campus and town do not seem equipped to handle the number of students attending.

I know some received their college affiliation. Maybe that’s the confusion? Not sure here either, but that may be what they mean?

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Agreed - The college affiliation is where they will be housed.


Yes – my understanding is that one incoming freshman friend has received the college affiliation, one has not.


This makes me feel better. My son SIR’d to Berkeley and has already been assigned his room type and location (their housing application was due May 2nd). Santa Cruz is his first choice so I’m glad housing hasn’t been allocated yet.


looks like this is for international students from comments


I am soooo hoping that there is some waitlist movement today!
Please post if you hear of any waitlist admissions😁


Hoping so, otherwise we have to sit tight through a holiday weekend :crossed_fingers:t2:

and then where will they live if we don’t hear today??

What an amazing graduation present that would be! :mortar_board:

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If we were to get accepted off the waitlist today and SIR, do you think we would still be able to submit a housing application? I was accepted for UCR, and when they sent out acceptances they said it may take 2-3 days to process SIRs. It’s probably different for each UC, but if UCSC doesn’t process their SIRs until after 5/27 wouldn’t it mean we wouldn’t be able to submit an application for housing?

Has anyone who was accepted to UCSC and SIR’d confirm how quick the turnaround for SIRs were or what the portal looked like after SIRing?

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I can only speak for my son’s experience at UC Davis. For UC Davis, admitted from waitlist, he could start setting up student account/portal and email as soon as SIR-ed(i.e. paying the $250+2% convenient fee). With the UC account/portal, there are all kind of links for new student and forms/application that he can fill out, including housing.
One thing to notice is that there were a option for paying housing deposit with the credit card (with 3% convenience fee) or e-check (no fee). In generate e-check would take longer to clear, and he cannot move forward to select his housing option until the payment is clear. There was a fine print saying e-check could take up to 24 hours to clear. Of course, my son only pay attention to the fine print after he was stuck. He made an e-check payment on Sunday morning (date of the deadline) and it was cleared Sunday evening before the portal allows him to make his dorm selection.


I think you need to be assigned a college affiliation before you submit the housing application. Can anyone clarify?


Correct. The housing dept sends an email for students to login to the housing portal. Housing application due today.


Wow, so it seems that there was no movement off the waitlist today?