UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Nope. Looks like we are destined to wait until June :tired_face:

Students from the last UCSD wave have until 6/2 to SIR, so admissions may be waiting to see how that affects enrollment. The only thing that makes me nervous is the housing situation.

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so, even if freshmen get off the waitlist, they are not guarenteed housing for their first year if they decide to go?

Santa Cruz is the only UC to not go to their waitlist yet. There’s no way they are “just waiting to go all at once” - the longer a campus waits, the lower the number of takers (and Santa Cruz already had a low yield from their waitlist judging by previous years.)

My student has 100% moved on and wouldn’t say yes now, even though it has been their overwhelming first choice for 2 years. The school they chose is better in almost every way on paper. Their heart was with Santa Cruz, and the past month has helped them think with their head.

I think it’s clear that Santa Cruz is full. There’s no strategic reason for them to wait this long. I think if they go, it will only be because other waitlists have finally taken enough from them to make them use theirs, and it will be a small amount.


If they’re not going to be accepting from the waitlist, wouldn’t they be sending rejections now?

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Wish they would instead of stringing people along.
If they don’t send anything out next week (after receiving the final count on which admits are accepting housing and actually staying at UCSC) then it means @Yarnie is right
 they most likely don’t have any spots left. If they had enough spots they would’ve released a wave by now . :confused:


In the recent Berkeley case with its neighbors, UCB mentions about the work around to admit more students while not over the max enrollment limited (by admiring more online and spring semester). If all the UCs has that so called the “max enrollment limit” , wouldn’t that mean (transfer + freshman + continue enrollment = max enrollment limit)? Then it results as transfer and freshman are competing for available seats. Because “theoretically” a lot of students in high school class of 2020 chose to attend CC, as a result this year transfer class is expected to be bigger. Could all these be the reasons why seemingly more students are put into waitlist so UCs can wait to see what their transfer student size are, before “really” admitting freshman. In other words, UCSC (or UCs in general) is actually wait for the transfer’s SIR deadline (6/1) before they know how many to admit to the freshman class?


i thought sc was notorious for notifying ppl late though?

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How late?

I’ve only read through last year’s waitlist discussion since thats what I thought might look similar to this year’s. They had waitlist waves in May and beginning of June. Then some rejections in end of July. Some people probably didn’t report if they got off waitlist, though, so there were probably people who got off later.

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I heard UCs took in fewer students this year. Doesn’t that mean they should accept more off the waitlist theoretically?

Not necessarily especially if they were over enrolled last year. All the UC’s are being cautious with admits this year.

Anyone get anything today?

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Nope :disappointed:

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nothing here either
I want to be done with this game :slight_smile:


I find myself justifying why we haven’t heard any news yet. This week’s version: Thursday is the SIR date for UCSD’s last wave, and a few more were offered spots in UCLA.

It’s getting harder to be hopeful though :disappointed:


how do u know it’s UCSD’s last wave?

There were postings about it a week ago :slightly_smiling_face:

oh they said it’s the final one?

No, just that more people were accepted. Some did receive WL rejections while others remain on the UCSD waitlist (like my daughter)

When I said “last”, I just meant their latest offers


oh okay phew! sorry! i thought u knew if it was the final and i got stressed

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