UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

No worries! We are all at the end of our ropes!! :crazy_face:


Any movement today on the UCSC waitlist?

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nothing here

Not here either

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It’s not just us

Berkeley WL candidates are feeling abandoned as well. Many have tried to call admissions with no success, but this poster emailed. Can you imagine having to wait until Late July??? My daughter registers for classes on 7/21. That’s our personal cut-off date.

Do most of you feel like you could wait that long??

Can’t imagine waiting until July but at least they have a timeframe
I feel like we have no idea when of if they will release any from the waitlist.


I think that’s the worst part. Just wondering if anything will happen at all

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While waiting, I was surprised to find that UCSC is actually ranked the last one among all UCs (after UCR and UCM) in the recent U.S. News national ranking. Curious if anyone knows why and how this affects the value of their degree and students competing with other UC graduates in the job market later, etc.? I used to think that it is considered a better option than Riverside or Merced and almost on par with Davis due to being geographically close to Silicon Valley?

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Yes I noticed that too but it’s just one ranking so maybe shouldn’t read too much into it. That being said, it does seem that UCM and UCR are investing more into the campus by building newer dorms, parking, and classrooms.


People who are discrediting UC Merced are missing out on a very rare gem in the UC System.


UC Merced is a UC, and ALL UC’s are great schools. A great many talk about it being a last choice, but for a good portion of people, it was the best choice for them. Just like UCSC is a better choice for some as it is for others. My son was accepted to 11 great schools,( private, Cal Poly, as well as other UC’s) He chose UC Merced due to the great scholarship, smaller class size, and research opportunities.


I am sorry for your situation. However, I think the waitlist situation at all UCs this years seems to be lengthy and a process that may require a lot of patience. I just got into contact with the admissions office and their response was that they will be continuing to send out waitlist acceptance decisions until mid-summer


Was this specifically UCSC you spoke to or another campus? You stated “continue to send out waitlist acceptances”, but I didn’t think UCSC had made any offers yet. Thank you for sharing the info and the clarification! :pray:


I could be wrong. Did your son SIR-ed to Davis??

Maybe today is the day?
Hoping we get some UCSC wait list news!!


Hoping so too! :crossed_fingers:


First SIR’d to Merced, top 9% - waitlisted/rejected everywhere, but that’s where he got in. I wrote about it extensively in these groups – it’s been a rough, rough, rough several months. Got into Davis on the first waitlist admit group. It’s closer to home and was a top choice for his major, so it was a reallllllly hard decision for so many reasons. Merced has some super cool things happening there right now. We were won over and he would have been OK with it – but Davis is just ‘him’ through and through so yes – he accepted the waitlist offer and is committed to Davis.




My son is in this situation, top 9% and waitlisted/rejected at the other UCs so he SIR’d to Merced. He is still hoping for Santa Cruz, although that is seeming less likely by the day. I very much appreciated your post about Merced, it is helping us to reframe this as a positive situation.


I am really glad to hear that my post helped! Crossing fingers for you guys that all works out – I completely know what you guys are going through. What a crazy, crazy time. As mentioned, we were completely wow’d by Merced (the school, not the town - which is the only drawback). There are things going on there right now that I am really sad my son will miss out on.

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