UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Seem to hear it again and again. My kid in top 9%, multiple academic scholarship winner, etc, etc, waitlisted at all UC’s except UCLA which was a rejection, great SAT (which I know doesn’t matter anymore). She got into some great out of state schools, but we’d struggle to afford them even with the aid. Even her HS Counselor said she’d never seen a year like this. I feel bad for all the kids who did everything they were told they were supposed to do and ended up in this situation, but I suspect these amazing kids will use this as a learning experience, adapt, and thrive.


Merced did offer her a spot, and I tried to talk her into it, but she wouldn’t bite, which is too bad, because after I did some research, I think it’s a great opportunity. SIR’d to SDSU for now.


See you as SDSU! My daughter SIR’d there after declining UCR and being WL at 3 UC’s. The more I see SDSU in person, the more I know she’ll have an amazing college experience. However, UCSC has her heart so we’re still hoping!


My son is in this situation too, top 9% and waitlisted/rejected at the UCs, already planned to go to CC and apply again in 2 years. He was lucky enough to get off Davis’ waitlist in the first wave and decided to go there. He didn’t choose to go to UCM mainly because of its location which he thinks would sufficiently discount the “fun” part of his college experience.

Keep the hope up, I am sure UCSC waitlist will move “eventually”.


We were right there 3 years ago with our counselor saying “I have no idea what happened, we’ve never seen anything list this!” (he had to go out of state and just graduated in 3 years btw!). We thought we were well prepared this time around with my daughter who like my son, has very strong stats (top 9%, Valedictorian, 12 AP/IB, heavy academic rigor), 6 yrs outstanding leadership (6 yrs student gov, ASG Pres, Captain 4 yrs varsity sports etc.) & over a decade of community service (1200+ hrs including the Girl Scout Gold Award & 7 Presidential Service awards ) to basically get similar results. She was rejected by top 3 UC’s and waitlisted at 5 others including UCSC, UCSD & UCSB and SDSU. Thankfully she is in at UC Davis where she has SIRd but clearly it is not getting any better. I feel for those kids in years to come:(


We aren’t on the waitlist for UCSC – it wasn’t one he applied to, which he ended up regretting. We were naive going into this, it seems. I just follow all the WL discussions now to see how it’s going for people that I’ve connected with through here or just in general. This whole thing was weird, shocking, fascinating, heartbreaking – all over the place. He’s going to Davis 100% now.


Thanks for sharing. Curious what majors did your kids apply?

Might be slightly different per school but Biology or Bio Sciences.

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Cog Sci, Psych, or Design - she wants to be a UX/UI Designer or work in AI so there are a few paths she can take. UCSD has a Cog Sci with concentration in Interaction & Design which perfectly aligned with her career goals but alas she was waitlisted there. It turns out that Davis has the only “Design” Major of the UCs and offers a UX concentration plus she can double major in Cog Sci or add a Comp sci minor so it will be a great option for her. Not sure why she was WL for Cog Sci at UCSC though…we are still scratching our heads on this one!


My daughter is a Psych major. Waitlisted at UCSC, UCSD and UCSB, but admitted to SDSU in their Clinical Psychology/Social Work program

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My son is 99% Davis as of now, unless UCSD also admit him in the next 2 weeks, then he may have a second thought. My son didn’t apply for UCSC either, so he was slightly regrets for not applying after only waitlist/rejects from other UCs. But from what he found out, his friends who have similar stats as him and applied for UCSC are ended up in one additional waitlist, UCSC. This is how crazy it is this year. :pensive:


I wish UCSC would send out the “feeler” WL email like other schools do to gauge who is really interested in attending if accepted a WL spot. Weed out those who are just curious or need closure and get to the kids who really want to enroll. It would significantly cut down on having waitlist waves


Nothing yet today?

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Not a word :frowning:

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Just called housing office and they were so nice and helpful. She said when (talking positive not saying if :)) our students get off the waitlist they will have their own housing deadline so they will as freshman live on campus. I asked if she had heard any rumors about the waitlist and she unfortunately didn’t know anything. Maybe I should call admissions next??!! :joy:


That’s amazing news!! Housing would be a critical factor for us. Thank you!! :pray:


My daughter got off the 2025 waiting list last June and got freshman housing.


Hoping we hear something very soon!

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Just out of curiosity, what has been your experience for Sophmore housing?

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UCSC waitlist students should be more patient as they keep admitting waitlist candidates in July as well. In 2025 a friend’s son got off the UCSC CE waitlist in late June or early July.

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