UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Why tomorrow?

Just basing my guess off of past years, they mostly released waitlist acceptances on Fridays.


I’ve read a few posts from other threads that some kids are on the UCSC waitlist with no intention of accepting as they are happy with where they SIR’d. So sadly, our kids may have to watch some get offers and hope for a second wave

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I hope not!! UCSC hasn’t taken this long in previous years, but this year is really different!

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Yes, I know some people doing this. Disappointing.

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I know. It’s been a hell of a ride

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Isn’t that a good thing because they’d just decline their offer since they’re happy with where they sir’d?

Yes, but it prolongs the torture for our kids while they get “closure” and “satisfy their curiosity” knowing they were eventually accepted to the school, only to decline the offer


Yeah I agree, that’s definitely annoying I agree

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Has anyone tried to call the UCSC admissions office to see if they plan to accept from waitlist this year at all, if so how soon? Many schools are asking for housing deposits and popular dorms are filling up as we keep waiting for UCSC.


I have not called. We have continued to pick dorms, meal plans, etc., for the school DD SIR’d to just in case UCSC doesn’t work out. Housing is guaranteed for freshman on the waitlist even if it isn’t popular and DD said she’ll just suck it up for the opportunity to go

But I believe another parent called last week and was told WL may be considered this week or next


We SIRed another school obviously like everyone here and have been waiting on UCSC. Housing is non-refundable like SIR so we are contemplating. We called the Admissions on Monday, May 2nd but it was too early. The staff was nice though so let us know if anyone calls them and learns anything new.

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Yup! We’re out over $800 if SC pulls through, but we can’t take any chances! :sweat_smile:

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:joy: Good idea
someone should call admissions!


We were told during the tour that housing is not guaranteed anymore because of COVID! So not sure what will happen if we get off the waitlist !

What! That’s not good, it should be guaranteed.


when DD and I visited the campus at the end of April, we spent the night in Santa Cruz and 2 days on campus. I wanted to make sure she could make an informed decision should she get off the waitlist. With housing being a question for me, we visited the admissions office and housing office on campus. I specifically asked about housing for waitlisted students and was told that housing was guaranteed for freshman but they may not get their first or second choice of dorms. The university will try to honor their wishes, but they may ultimately be placed where there is space.
I certainly hope we were given correct information, but I guess we won’t know until they get to register! :crossed_fingers:t2:


I hope so!! You’re right, first things first :joy:

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Thank you!!! :pray: