UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Thank you !! Too bad they didn’t tell us when the waitlist releases will happen. I hope this week !! Good luck


Do they usually release them over the weekend?

UCR waitlist has started moving…hopefully UCSC starts soon too, my little brother really wants to go here


No updates so far?

Not here. Just checked DD’s email


Wow… UCSC is late. Looks like their yield is high this year.

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So r u thinking they had a high yield so there will be less movement from the waitlist??? Have u heard their yield is high or guessing?


My son emailed admissions and their response was mid May until August “if” they accept students off the waitlist. They did say they would have a short response time so make sure you are ready to accept a spot if one opens up. We were REALLY hoping we would hear today!


So were we! So dragged out. The 13th is kind of mid May :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yeah I’m a bit concerned. If they don’t accept today it may be likely that they don’t have enough spots open…

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I’m over here hoping admissions is just giving other school waitlist offers time to play out and see what opens up. Geez this is stressful !:sweat_smile:


I hope so. This whole thing is giving me a major headache.


Now that it’s 5pm PST, can we collectively breathe a sigh of relief?? We still have hope!!

Enjoy your weekend and have some fun!

Next week may induce day drinking


:joy: enjoy the weekend!


Hi all
Our D is also WL for C.S. She got early acceptance( Nov 2021) from Rutgers (SIR there)and thats the reason she did not apply to UCR , UCM and to Most CSUs . CSU gave her option to reapply to colleges she did not applied earlier and today she got acceptance from SFSU . Now we are considering between Rutgers and SFSU for CS . Location wise SF is near for us (bay area) but rating wise Rutgers is good . Please give your inputs in this situation. Was Waiting for UCSC and got SF today . Note : she was accepted to USF but didn’t like.

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Not sure relief is what I am feeling! I think it’s more anxiety than anything.
I would rather Santa Cruz started releasing offers if they have space. The longer our students have to wait, the more involved in the SIRed college the process becomes, which they will have to re do if they get off the wait list at UCSC.
Have your kids been looking for a roommate yet? My kid is finding it difficult to be all in when she is very much still hoping to attend Santa Cruz.


My DD has had to start the housing process for the school she SIR’d including roommates. However, she was really honest and told her potential roommate she would withdraw if offered a spot at UCSC. While she likes the school she committed to, her heart is in SC.

I know she would love to be “all in” as well, but there’s a part of her just hoping :crossed_fingers:t2:

And I wish only kids who are serious about attending were on the WL. It will take longer if many decline and we have to wait and hope for a second wave of offers


Creating a separate thread will allow more people to see and give input.

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Last year a friend got off the WL the day before she graduated HS. June 3. It’s so sad to see the kids miss their HS decision days and other celebrations waiting on WL’s. Still :crossed_fingers:t3:

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The students shouldn’t be missing their decision days. Did they not commit anywhere?

My kids have fun looking back at the HS decision day photos and seeing how many kids are wearing one sweatshirt but ended up at another college.