UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Winter Frosh is not new at UCSC based on the Reddit r/UCSC. There were some posts back from 7 years ago concerning similar questions posted here-housing and registration dates. My guess is that the number of winter frosh has been just small.

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Iā€™m committing for the winter quarter and in the email it states I donā€™t need to pay a SIR and housing fee. However, as Iā€™m filling the commitment application, it still requires me to pay both of those fees. Anyone know why?

Thank you!.
We visited the UCSC campus yesterday. It is pretty hilly and distances from houses to the classes could be quite a bit and buses seem to be less as drivers have left. So could be quite a task for kids to deal with these issues. Housing beyond first two years are also questionable and living outside campus means relying on buses.
Any perspectives on these kinds of things from current students/parents will be great.

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My sons email also stated SIR fee was not required. Did you contact admissions for clarification or did you complete the commitment application and pay fees? We are still discussing and will make a decision before the deadline, so we have not submitted the SIR yet.

The students that I know that have attended have all really liked it. They suggest choosing a college that is closest to the building they will use the most over theme. So in my sonā€™s case, should he decide to attend, he would rank the colleges closest to the science and engineering library or the gym and soccer fields.

hi i called them today and they said since this is their first time doing this they have some glitches and canā€™t fix the problem technically as of now. but they said this offer isnā€™t voiding the paymentsā€¦ just deferring them. either you pay them now, or in the winter when u attend. you need to pay regardless, you can email them about deferring the payments. i committed today and paid the fees today as well.

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Thank you for the info and Congratulations!!

Thanks for confirming that this is their first time offering winter admits for freshmen. It very well may be because they are anticipating the completion of additional housing, as @twoin18 mentioned.

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My son was all set to attend SDSU in Computer Science - orientation is on Tuesday. UCSC is his dream school - he fell in love with it last year when we visited. He was waitlisted in March, but on Friday, UCSC offered him a spot with his second-choice major, Computer Engineering, for Winter 2024 (he is still interested in the major). He selected his five first-choice colleges, but he might change his mind (he has until September 15). He called the Housing Office and learned that Winter 2024 Frosh admits wonā€™t be all together in one residential college. Heā€™s considering a sustainability minor and likes the sound of Rachel Carson Hall; he also wants a quiet setting and is looking at Crown and Merrill. Some of my family members are discouraging him from going because of the winter start, but he has his heart set on becoming a Banana Slug. He loves that heā€™ll be 1 1/2 hours away from his older sibling, a junior at Berkeley (Iā€™m sure they will be too busy to see each other)! We are from San Diego. He has a lot to navigate over the next week - withdraw from SDSU, cancel his housing agreement, apply to community college, and register for the appropriate classes. How are others in the same position handling everything? Any reservations? I hope he made the right decision!


FYI - My S24 has decided to commit to UCSC Neuroscience. This is the email I was sent after he submitted his SIR and housing deposit. No mention of status:

This is the information for students regarding a winter start:

Students who have been offered a winter 2024 start will begin the first week in January. You will be guaranteed on campus housing as long you indicate you would like on campus housing when you submit your SIR and turn in your housing application by the deadline given by the Housing Office. After you get your college affiliation and apply for housing you can work with your Collegeā€™s housing office to request a roommate if you choose and fill out the roommate request form in the Housing Portal.

You are approved to enroll in college courses fall term. You can refer to assist.org to see how California community college courses transfer to UCSC. If you need guidance with this you can contact your UCSC Admissions Representative:https://admissions.ucsc.edu/contact/regional-representatives.html. Be sure to earn a C or higher in order to meet your Conditions of Admission contract.

The Orientation and Housing Offices will be contacting you in October with your next steps. Let us know if you have any other questions.


Office of Undergraduate Admissions

University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064