UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Longtime lurker…
Have appreciated the info these forums.
My son just got accepted off the waitlist today (4:07pm June 30th 2023!) Also for the winter quarter. Biomolecular Engineering/Bioinformatics.
Pretty frustrating as a parent as he was all set for UCR Bioengineering but originally had really wanted UCSC.
I’m struggling to understand the reasoning behind this approach of waiting until the last minute to let applicants know and then only offering the winter quarter.
And what’s he supposed to do until January?

If anyone has info on whether housing is guaranteed for Freshman coming in during the winter quarter, I would appreciate it.
Also any insight on whether it will be easier or harder for him to get classes for his major if he’s now a quarter behind? Would he be able to catch up by doing a summer quarter(s)?

Thanks for any help!

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My son also got off waitlist for winter quarter. I am guessing there are 2 reasons to do so.

  1. They want to lower the acceptance rate for fall quarter in order to protect their ranking
  2. Housing issue. They may have additional spaces for winter for some reasons.

I think it is better to call them on Monday for your questions.

Yes, it is frustrating since UCSC is one of my son’s favor school, but seems like it is too late now and it is for winter quarter.

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Same here regarding housing. D is supposed to go to SJSU Software engg. and got into Winter quarter Computer engineering at UCSC. Lots of questions on housing, education quality, class availability as compared to SJSU.

DS admitted off the waitlist for neuroscience winter quarter. I called admissions yesterday regarding college selection, housing and taking classes at local CC. I was told that orientation, college selection preferences and housing application would take place in October. This freshman cohort is folded in with the winter transfer admits and given housing for winter and spring quarters. The following year for housing they are considered as all other continuing students. In regards to taking classes, student would need to update their academic record to include in progress classes. The only negative to taking courses in the fall term is if student changes their mind about attending UCSC to attend another university. They would be subject to transfer admissions for their new target university. If you choose to take courses in the fall at a local community college be sure to speak with a counselor to select articulated courses. In my son’s case, with his AP credits and already completed college courses he can complete IGETC in the fall, which will meet all lower division general education and wave UCSC GE with the exception of the DC requirement which would be covered by one of his upper division major requirements.


So UCSC is allowing winter quarter admits to take Fall CC classes and not treat them as a Transfer? Since the definition of a UC transfer student is a high school graduate that has enrolled in a CC or University for a regular session (Fall/Winter/Spring).

Yes, that is what the admissions person told me. I clarified twice with her. She assured me and said that he would need to update his academic record to show in progress classes for the fall and to be sure to send an updated transcript by their posted deadline.

Thank you for the clarification.

Makes me nervous too, I will call again on Monday to make sure I get the same answer.

I am assuming it is similar to USC’s Spring Freshman admits where they are encouraged to take CC classes in the Fall to stay on schedule with the Fall admits and keep their Freshman status.

This is something new for UCSC and the UC system in general except for UC Merced which accepts Freshman Spring admits.

Just saw they have Winter Frosh information on their website: Winter Quarter Admits – FROSH


My daughter is also off the waitlist and asigned to winter on 6/30. I’m concerned that UCSC may regard them as transfer students since they may expect students will take courses at CC and report their scores. ( Will a low score affect the acceptance of an offer? same as senior grade update?) also, I am worried the housing locations for transfer students and freshmen differ. I saw it in a video on YouTube. I hope to contact the office on Monday.

Thanks for the info.
That’s reassuring that they said housing will be available for winter quarter entry.

I browsed through the course catalog and it does seem like they offer courses throughout all of the quarters including summer. For example Chemistry 1A, 1B and 1C are offered in all of the quarters. The catalog search tool is pretty good and allows you to search prior quarters and it lists the enrollment and caps in each course. It seems like there has been available space in most of the required courses for his major. Also it does seem like he would be able to catch up in summer quarters.

College Confidential won’t let me post the link but if you google “UC Santa Cruz - Schedule of Classes” it will take you there.

For Baskin Engineering, they have curriculum charts listing the required courses for each major.
Google “UC Santa Cruz Curriculum Chart”

According to @calimom024 students are allowed to take CC classes in the Fall and still retain their Freshman status at UCSC but other UC’s and Universities will treat the student’s as Transfers if they change their mind about attending UCSC in the Winter. I would get the guarantee in writing before enrolling

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@gumbymom, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the first year that UCSC has offered Winter admission to waitlist students? If that is the case, I doubt that reliable information would already be on You Tube.

It has been many moons since I was in undergrad, but I strategically took courses “off sequence” whenever possible. Most of the engineering and pre-med students took A in the fall, B in winter, and C in spring. If possible, I took A in winter, B in spring and C the following fall. I found that, when taking courses off sequence, the students were less competitive and the curves were more forgiving. :blush:


If memory serves me, Winter quarter admission has been offered for Transfers but I cannot recall it has been previously offered for Freshman. I will do a little research and repost if I find more information.


I asked my son for a copy of his email. Here are his steps:

Here are your next steps:

  1. Accept your offer of admission by going to the MyUCSC portal, completing all steps by July 7, 2023. You will not be required to submit SIR deposits or Housing deposits.
  2. If you enroll in any college coursework during the summer or fall term, you will need to submit an [update](Schedule Change / Grade Issues Form - Freshman | University of California Santa Cruz) to report this.
  3. Be sure to check your To Do List in your MyUCSC portal regularly and follow up on these items.
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According to Google, "The Transfer Community is located at Porter College and situated on campus to provide easy access to Services for Transfer and Re-Entry Students … " How can students be regarded as freshmen and not transfers ? housing location may be one of considering?

How can students be regarded as freshmen and not transfers ?

This is why anyone considering attending Winter quarter should get everything in writing regarding maintaining Freshman status, housing etc…

As I stated above, USC does offer Freshman Spring admits and will work with the student to find appropriate CC or other University classes to take during Fall semester and still maintain the Freshman status.

I have also not been able to find any discussions on UCSC Freshman Winter quarter admits prior to this year so if they have done this previously, hopefully someone in the know can reach out with their experience.

I wonder if this change might be because hundreds of new beds are being built at Kresge College and there is a concern that some might not be ready for fall 2023 as originally planned:


From end May: “Due to inclement weather we have been receiving this past quarter we need to accelerate the work schedule in order to meet completion deadlines”

That could be an explanation for the Winter Quarter admits. Other than UC Merced which accepts Freshman applicants for Spring semester (also application deadline listed on the UC website), Winter quarter Freshman admission for UCSC seems to be new?

I know that UCSC has deviated from the normal admission procedures previously but involving transfers. A few years ago, OOS and International Transfer applicants that did not get accepted into their choice UC was offered a spot at UCSC without applying to the campus. Whatever works to reach their target enrollment.