**UC Santa Cruz Waitlist Class of 2025**

BA Psychology
BA Film & Digital Media


Like many students, she was able to do it in 3.5 years (BA Psych and BA Film & Digital Media) because many of her high school AP classes qualified. She didn’t have to take many GE classes at UCSC anymore. When she was a sophomore, she was listed as “junior standing.”

Anyone think there will be more people taken off the waitlist?

I was just about to ask the same thing! Has anyone heard anything official about no more people off the waitlist?

it does appear as if UCSC maybe done. I would guess if they don’t come out with a wave this week then they are done. but who knows. I still have this sneaking suspicion that a lot of international students won’t come due to pandemic (being far away from home, vaccination issues…).


to be honest i assume so too because ucsc freshmen are choosing their housing situations rn and i think it would be really weird and honestly unfair for the school to accept people once there’s no on campus housing left :frowning:

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Not to mention students who are well into the process of preparing to start at a less preferred university. This would be a heck of a time to be told that all your effort was wasted. Granted, someone who really wants to go to UCSC might be excited enough to overlook that.

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I just wish they’d send something out to make it official instead of having us still waiting and constantly checking the portal. It still says on there that they could let someone know through August which is really late!


UC Davis finally did a couple of weeks back, and I agree. But it’s moot at this point for my son who is all in at his current pick. I hope you have something else lined up. I don’t think UCSC is likely to have another wave.


My son is still on the waitlist! Incoming freshman. Thankfully we are local so no issue with housing but we keep checking every day and no word. It’s frustrating.


Any waitlist updates?

We have rented to UCSC students for over 10 years and hoped it would work out.

On the waitlist and investing in the other option. Lucky they can continue to enjoy time off here.

Best of luck to your son!

Has anyone ever gotten off the ucsc waitlist in late july/august in previous years?

ive heard of someone getting off the waitlist around two weeks before the school year started but I’m not sure how probable it is during this odd year. I’m still waiting for a response too and have to pay tuition for the college I’m committed to already…good luck to the both of us

I emailed the admissions office just asking if they could confirm that they’re done with the waitlist so my daughter can officially move on (she’s already accepted somewhere else but still has heart set on UCSC), but all I got back was the boiler plate response that they sent when they first put her on the waitlist…frustrating.

Just received a waitlist rejection email, looks like UCSC finally decided to close admissions. Thanks to everyone on this forum for keeping me up to date, could not have gone through with this process without it :slight_smile:


Got the email as well :pensive:


A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread