UC Self Reported Grades Error

I decided to review my UC application and just now realized that I made 2 errors… For my senior year coursework, I reported AP Microecon instead of AP Macro… and in the Courses other than A-G, I listed down my AP Computer science course but FORGOT TO RECORD THE GRADE… (C 1st Sem, B 2nd Sem). How much trouble am I in? I already got into UCSD and am waiting on UCLA… should I call the schools first thing in the morning and let them know?

If your choice UC reviews your application against your transcript and notices these discrepancies, it could result in your acceptance being rescinded. Contact each UC with the correct information. Keep all correspondence and names of whom you contacted. Best of luck

@Gumbymom Thank you! I emailed UCSD and UCLA. Do you think they would rescind any offers of admissions due to that one C? I put AP Computer Science as a course other than A-G, did not record a grade but was admitted anyways… (I don’t think I had the option to in that section of the application)

AP Computer Science is a “g” course and not recording the grade may be an issue. I would follow up with a phone call. They may require that you send in a Mid-year transcript with the correct courses and grade and could re-evaluate your application.

If you overall academic record is solid, it should be fine but that will be up to the schools to determine. Better to find out now when you have options prior to May 1 SIR date.

Huh… That’s really weird then since I put it under “Coursework other than A-G” and it didn’t seem to raise any flags. Anyways, thanks for the advice, I will call them right now!

@Gumbymom Do you happen to know how likely it is for me to get my offer rescinded? I do have a pretty solid record, but I’m still pretty paranoid. Sorry :blush:

I really cannot tell you. I know the UC’s tend to be sticklers about reporting the grades and courses, but I also know they do not like to rescind admitted applicants. Best of luck and hope you have good news to share.

@Gumbymom Well now that I got into UCLA, I think it’s doubly important I do this lol… I did call UCSD and they made it seem like it wasn’t TOO big of an issue, but they said it still might be of concern. Anyways, thanks again

I hope things work out for you and Congratulations on UCLA!!!

Can you tell me what UCLA said when you call them
? I’m in somewhat of a similar situation lol

@Gladb_99 UCLA did not respond, since I just emailed them this morning and did not call (weekend :P), but what UCSD said was in the tune of “Yeah, we understand stuff happens, your situation doesn’t seem super serious, but may be of concern if the integrity of your academic record is in serious question”. The person on the line with me then directed me to their admissions website to submit an update to my application. I’m going to guess UCLA won’t be too different in their response.