UC Statewide Path

So my DD got denied/waitlisted at both UC’s she applied to. She appears to be eligible for an alternate UC admission under the Statewide Path. Has anyone been admitted through this? I understand that it is either UC Merced or Riverside, depending on space. Is this something that happens in May as well? Or sooner? Also how do they notify you? I called the UC office, and she kept saying keep checking her portal; however the portals are UC campus specific, not in general …

Usually Mid-April, her application will be forwarded to UC Merced and she will receive an email if spots are available. UCR has not participated in the ELC application redirection for the last few years.

Interestingly enough, UC Merced does not have her major … Riverside does. So I wonder what happens then. This has been a hard process with lessons learned for sure. As always, thanks @Gumbymom

Maybe UCR would consider those applicants where their major is not available? Or UC Merced would offer an alternate major? Might be a good question for UC admissions.


4 years ago my niece’s application was redirected to UC Merced for her alternate major but then again she applied to different UC’s with different majors.

I called the UC admissions office. They were not very helpful… I think I knew more about it than she did!

Thanks for the update and worth a try. If I am unable to discover any more useful information, I will be sure to post it here.

I do have this information from the UC Merced website on page 2 Graph for Undergraduate admissions.

According to the Bar graph under Referrals, there were 909 applicant Referrals, 659 admitted and 131 enrolled so not all referrals were admitted last year.


the UC system has added the term ‘if Space is available’ to the ELC guarantee. It is really unlikely UCR will be offered to her.

Was your daughter accepted to any college?

@NCalRent yes, two out of state. She would rather stay in state, but is waitlisted at a CSU and a UC. So we are just exploring options.

That is a frustrating place to be, I am sure.

if she gets the referral, UCM is worth a look. The school is much different than it was just few years ago. Most people’s impression of the school is way off base.

Hopefully the OOS schools aren’t prohibitively expensive.

A CC then transfer is, of course another option.

Good Luck with whichever path you choose.

Thanks @NCalRent . One OOS is very expensive with no scholarships; but the other one is good with scholarships. She is also considering the CC/transfer route as well. The problem is that UCM does not have her major, so I don’t know what happens then. Its very frustrating.

This is not a bad alternative. Note that most UCs (not Berkeley, UCLA, or UCSD) participate in the “Transfer Admissions Guarantee” (TAG) program, so she could get conceivably get guaranteed transfer admission at a UC, if she meets the TAG requirements.

In some cases, the relationship between UCs and the local CCs has become surprisingly close. Sacramento City College, for example, now has a satellite facility that is actually on the UC Davis campus. So if you enroll at SCC, you can move to Davis and start taking classes on the UCD campus, while pursuing a TAG that guarantees that you can finish as a full UCD student.

UCs give preference to transfer applicants from CCs – not other UCs or CSUs. So if she ultimately wants to transfer to a UC that offers her major, it would be better to enroll at a CC than at UCM or a CSU.

Most students change their major at least once and most schools will allow you to build your own major … so, Merced may actually work for her - as long as she’s not dead set on something where program accreditation is (ie some forms of engineering)