<p>This question may apply to others as well so thought is ask here.</p>
<p>In general, how does it look to attend a 4 year university for a year or 2, and then go back home to CC to transfer elsewhere.</p>
<p>Here's my situation. I have a 3.2 at UCSB with 67 units in 2 years. I only could take 19 units last year because i was part time and had to drop out in spring. All of this was health related. I want to stay home next year and get my health sorted out, while taking CC courses. </p>
<p>How would someone like myself stack up to other candidates when applying to schools (say i get at least a 3.8). How is my GPA calculated?</p>
<p>People do it all the time. Now in your case I don’t know how things will go because you have 67 credits. That’s junior status already. In my opinion a 3.2 isn’t bad at all. Now getting a 3.8 would be kind of difficult since your GPA can only go up by so much. If you did poorly in certain classes I’d retake them to see if you can get a higher grade. You have nothing to lose with that. If I’m not mistaken, the higher grade of the two is calculated in your GPA not the lower one.</p>
<p>Ok! Thanks for the advice i got a C in a calc class that i can take at CC and do better in. Sorry for not clarifying but i have 67 Quarter Credits, so im 23 from being a junior. I realize that with the cap i can only get about a 3.4, but without it a 3.6 and with an upward trend and 4.0 CC GPA.</p>
<p>For the record i would look into SDSU, Cal Poly, and Univ of Washington for accounting, i was econ/accounting at ucsb</p>
<p>Thing about SDSU… VERY hard to get into. If you keep a 3.4 and above I’d say you have a chance. Is Accounting impacted? What about economics? Also look into what classes you need to before you transfer to SDSU so you have them all completed. It may count against you if you don’t have all the prereqs done.</p>
<p>Thanks. I actually dont think they cap the gpa at 90 units like I thought before so my gpa will be higher after taking CC courses. I have taken 2 calc, 1 stats, 2 Microeconomics, 1 accounting, and 1 Macroeconomics course at UCSB, so I’m almost done with all the prereqs already.</p>
<p>Its a bummer I didnt know whether I wanted to do business vs Econ out of high school because I got into SDSU honors and Cal Poly Business 2 years ago
<p>I think I should give admissions a call and see how they calculate my gpa (which will be a 3.24 UCSB GPA vs a 3.8+ CC). I dont think I am going to bother applying to schools that are below the level of slo, sdsu, uw, usd, and uci because then I would feel as though i was lowering my standards, considering I’m at a good school now. Thanks again for your input. :)</p>