UC what are my chances?

Hi there,

I am a senior, 4.08 UC GPA
CS major
I just took the new SAT, got 1360 (E590+M770), essay 6-6-6.
Math 2 700 Chem 590
Past badminton club officer, now a founder of the chess club.
Took 3 APs, passed 2; I will take another 4 APs this year.
Passed Piano CM level 8,attended a political campaign.
Passed / Will pass the graduation requirements including 100 CAR hours.

So what are my chances for UCs? Thanks!

What is your major?
Your chem SAT is pretty low, and the fact that you failed one AP test will be a red flag. I assume your main EC is piano, which is common amongst many, but you have badminton and chess. You only went to one political campaign?
Does your major relate to anything political or music? Then your EC’s might help… You have a solid GPA and SAT. But if you want a good chance of acceptance, get that to at least 1450.
UCSB/UCSD:Low Reach to Maybe High Match
UCI/UCD: High Match (maybe match)
UCSC: Low match to Match
UCR: Low match to Safety
UCM: Safety
Try to increase your SAT and make your essay’s top notch. Apply broadly, to few CSU’s and maybe privates if you have interest.

Thanks for the reply. My major will be computer science, mentioned above. But don’t UCs ignore the "bad’ tests? So my failed AP test and chem SAT will not affect my admission right?

AP test scores are not considered for admission decisons. If you send the low Chem SAT subject score they will not ignore it but I suggest you do not send it. SAT subject tests are only recommended but not required. That said, to be competitive you really should have 2 recommended Subject tests. Did you take another subject besides the Chem?

You are applying to a competitive major and competitive schools especially for CS. Your UC GPA and test scores are within range but you need to apply widely so did you apply to all the UC’s?

The following stats are not major specific, so expect CS admits rates to be lower:

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 (capped weighted):

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1290-1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

For engineering/CS at many of the UCs (at least Berkeley and UCLA) you are essentially required to submit 2 SAT subject tests, one Math II and the other in a science (Chem or physics). With your stats I think you have a shot at UCSC and UC Riverside, but not the others. UCI/UCSB/UCD/UCSD CS are very competitive, and obviously UCLA and Berkeley CS are almost as competitive as Stanford or the Ivies.

If I change my major in to say like Psychology or Business, would that affect my admission greatly? Or if I put one of these majors as alternative major so I would still admit to all my UCs for a greater chance? (Both psychology and business are on my major list as well).

Not all UC’s have Business schools/majors so if you are looking at the area, then UCB would still be a Reach and UCI is definitely possible but their Business Admin major is just as competitive as CS.

Psychology is another very popular major so again it can be competitive but it is usually found in the College of Letters and Sciences which does not admit by major.

My advice is apply to the major in which you want to study for the next 4 years and apply widely so you have several choices in the Spring. Nothing magical about the UC’s and there are many other good schools where you can get an excellent CS education if that is your first choice major.

Thanks for the help!

with a sub 4.2. the top UCs are pretty unlikely to admit you. UCD, UCI and UCSB could go either way - compelling essays could make a big difference. UCSC, UCR and UCM and highly likely to admit you.

I;'d apply to SDSU as a safety.
good luck.