*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Lol maybe they just fixed the glitches because people have been talking about it so much. We really don’t know guys

There is a separate entity that builds/maintains the site.

I’m just saying, we really don’t know much just because there aren’t glitches

there were glitches for the first RD round. They probably have not pushed acceptances. the glitches probably only come once their API is able to retrieve our acceptance or rejection


I have to assume it’s gonna happen this Friday. At some point soon they have to start freshman class enrollment, finalize housing assignments, plus the sooner they start moving people off the WL, the sooner they start cashing checks.
Best guess is that it’s exactly the same as last year. Friday May 7 around noon.

If they do release the first wave of decisions on Friday, is it going to be more in-state students than out of state and international? And if you don’t get notified by Friday, how much of change do you have for the 2nd or 3rd wave?

Dats my guess as well, but we still haven’t seen the glitches.

Mostly instate, you are fine if you don’t get in as oos or intl, but the chance isn’t good if ur instate after the first wave

btw guys the faq glitch should happen around 3 PM PST/12 PM EST on Friday if it does come. Regardless, keep continuing to check portals for glitches (looks like CalCentral glitches are worthless unless you can log into the actual dashboard)

possibility that it might have been patched up. 2019 there were no prior glitches except the FAQ glitch on the same day.

Ok thanks. I am international, so if I don;t get in on the first wave I won’t lose hope just yet, but the wait is killing me! acepting more in-state in the first round makes sense now that I think about it.

felt like it was pretty much even, along the standard demographic distribution (60% instate, 20 OOs, 20 intl roughly). Everyone thought for sure they’d accept a ton more OOS, but they didn’t seem to.
2nd wave felt very minimal. I don’t think there really was a 3rd wave per the information here.

id say don’t have any hopes past the second wave. hopes should start to dissipate even after the first wave

it felt like a lot of people from this site got in 1st wave. Almost none 2nd wave.

has anyone tried calling the admissions office??

But Bkj1 said that the chance is good if your instate after the first wave?

opposite. OOS kids have a good chance after the first wave

out of state* sorry typo

Bro I said ISN’T good lol