*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Just received NYU ‘s admission off waitlist, looking forward to CAL

I think if we heard back today, it’d be by 4 pm bc they usually release whatever decisions at the time offices close. Wish it was this week but looking like next week!!

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did anyone get a portal update or email?

So no one got any news today?

Seems like no one heard back😢

UC Santa Cruz in state waitlist first wave is out. Received for computer engineering off waitlist.

I don’t think they are going to come out this week

I wish they told us something


I agree. That’s what I have been saying, I understand that they need to take time to review all applications, and I definitely respect that, but it wouldn’t hurt to give us a more specific date on when to expect any decisions and not panic throughout the month of May simply because they said they will come out before June.


Plus they said the waitlist extension wouldn’t affect the release date but it looks like it did :frowning:


never trust AO’s lol

Honestly I am so done with college apps I just want this to be over…


college apps suck

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Username is consistent


His guys may i ask whether and where y’all stated stated which pathways you’d choose if offered the waitlist? i am panicking now since i did not state while opting in cause wasn’t sure where to state that info…

i did, but the consensus (and what admission reps have said) is that not selecting pathways will not harm you so i wouldnt worry. the opt in was the on the same WL form where you can put your essay/grades

thx a lot!!

May i ask whether we are available to send a love letter to AO or not?

you can but they might not read it

thank you!!!