*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

No way they may be coming this weekend right? When should we expect the first wave?

Def before next Saturday

when do appeal decisions usually come out?


Iā€™m confusedā€¦ ppl are saying this year UCs would only admit relatively few students from WL due to high yield. Well if thatā€™s true thereā€™s no need for them to expand the WL ddl right?

I am wondering if they expanded the waitlist because they are waiting for guidance from the public health department (about whether or not they can house students in triples this year) and they might not know until really late in the game when people may end up pulling out of the waitlist, so they are trying to pad their numbers in case that happens. Just a guess thoughā€¦

I dont think the ppl saying that are very credible sources lol. It really depends on the school.

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If there is a logical reason for UCB to expand the waitlist, other than they will likely need to add more students than usual from the waitlist, it hasnā€™t been clearly explained here. For the few that have tried, it has been a garbled mess of disjointed thoughts, mixed in with misspelling and poor grammar.

bruh what does misspelling and poor grammar have to do with anything. the point gets across. its a forum, not an essay.


The comma after thoughts is not needed.


How can any of us explain it clearly, weā€™re not AOs at Cal my g :joy:

UCSC and UCRā€™s first wave was out last week. UCM extended enroll deadline to May 17. My feeling is that UCB waitlist first wave will be out next week, while UCLA, UCSD, UCI may have relatively less off from waitlist.

Yea Iā€™ll say itā€™s next Friday. They r always 1 week later than everyone else

r we expecting a wave today?

I donā€™t think anyone really knows anymore

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the wait is too unbearable

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Imagine if we need to wait for 2 more weeks lmao

my anxiety already maximized


No update

None :frowning: Iā€™m thinking this friday

yeah I also think itā€™s gonna be Friday Berkeley always does Friday lol